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When Hitler was in charge of Germany, the German Citizens called Hitler "Fuhrer" German for Leader.

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Q: What did Germans call their leader during Adolf Hitler's regime?
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Who were victims of hitlers mass murder?

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Why was the Nazi regime under the leadership of adolf Hitler?

The Nazi regime was leaded by Adolf Hitler because, He was the leader of the Nazi Party. He started as a member in 1920s but by the following year of Joining he becomes leader of the Nazi party. He becomes leader because, people were interested and believed in Hitlers speeches. In his speeches, he talked about many things such as the Treaty of Versailles and Germany at the time was leaded by a Jewish government who wimped out of world war 1 by signing the treaty of Versailles's.

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What was Adolf Hitler's regime called?

To kill anyone against or not part of the master race- Germans. He killed Jews because he thought they were in the way of making Germans the master race because they weren't what Germans were.

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Persecution and murder of approximately six million Jews by the Nazi regime do to the fact that the Germans thought they where a superior race... Adolf Hitler contributed much to the holocaust being leader of the Third Reich.

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