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There were righteous people before that too: Adam, Methusaleh, Noah, Shem and Eber were all before Abraham and were very righteous.

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Q: What did God do before there were Jews?
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Whom did Mary worship before Christ?

Mary was a Jew and worshipped the God of the Jews, the biblical God.

What do Jews beilve?

Jews believe in God the creator and in the Torah which God gave.

Who do the Jews pray to?

Jews pray to God

Did Jews ever have more than one god?

Before being called 'Jews', they were called 'Hebrews': descendants of Abraham the 'hapiru' = 'wanderer'. Abraham would have been a polytheist (believer in many gods) before God called him. After the Hebrews settled in the Promised Land, they were called Israelites, and later, Jews. So technically, the answer is "no", because they were not called 'Jews' until long after they became monotheists (believers in one God).

Is there a god for Muslims?

Yes, same God for also Christians and Jews.

Do they pray to the same god?

Christians and Jews believe that there is one true God. Christians and Jews pray to the same God.

Who followed the Jewish God?

The Jews. (Though strictly speaking, Jews do not believe that God is Jewish or that God has any religion.)

Do Jews think about God?

Yes, religious Jews think about God and follow His teachings and instructions.

Whom did Jews pray?

Jews pray to God.

What deity did the Jews worship before Abraham?

1) There were no Jews before Abraham (but there were Hebrews, which is actually more generic than "Jews").2) It's "deities," not "deity," since they were polytheistic before Abraham.Before Abraham, the early Hebrews worshiped the idols and deities of their places of residence in Babylonia. These included Nanna (the moon-god), the king (who in those times was deified), and various local, family and regional idols, including any or all of these:An or Anu - the god of heavenEnlil - god of the air and storms.Enki - god of water and the fertile earthKi - The mother-goddessAshur - god of Assyria (sky god)Ninlil or Nillina - goddess of airInanna - goddess of love and warEa - god of wisdomMarduk - god of light.Utu or Shamash - god of the sun and of justiceNinurta - a solar deity

What do the Jews do to worship their God?

Jews worship God in 3 ways: With prayer With study With deeds of kindness.

Do Jews believe in Christ or God?

Jews believe in God.What about Jesus?In Judaism, Jesus was a regular human being who lived in olden times, and is not part of Jewish religious belief.See also the Related Links.Link: Why didn't the Jews believe in Jesus?Link: What do Jews believe about God?