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An eternal covenant with Him.

Here is a list of God's promises to the Israelites:

1) To give them the land of milk and honey (the Promised Land). Exodus ch.3.
2) To redeem them from the Egyptian slavery and smite the Egyptians (Exodus ch. 3-4; see also Genesis ch.15).
3) To give them the wealth of Egypt (Genesis ch.15; Exodus ch.3).
4) To give them the Torah (Exodus 24:12).
5) To cherish them as a treasure (Exodus ch.19; Deuteronomy 26:16-19).
6) To drive the Canaanites out of the Promised Land (Exodus ch.23).
7) To do unparalleled miracles for them (Exodus ch.34).
8) To dwell among them (Exodus ch.25).
9) To give them large families, wine and oil, and livestock (Deuteronomy ch.7).
10) To give them prophets (Deuteronomy ch.18).
11) To return His presence and blessings to them in the end of days (Deuteronomy ch.30).See also:

What was the covenant of the Israelites?

Does Israel still have God's protection?

Mark Twain: "The Jews are eternal"

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Q: What did God promise the Jews they would have?
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Jesus or god, yes Jews gOd

Why did God promise Israel to the Jews?

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Do the Jews feel they are destined to inherit Israel?

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What was God's gift to the Jews?

God's gift to the Jews is the promise God gave to Abraham ,Issac,and Jacob. It's an everlasting covenant. Like the land Israel is in now. It belongs to them. It's a promise God made with Abraham, Issac,and Jacob and carried through to Moses and King David. The only thing is that, some Jews don't embrace Jesus as Messiah. My ? to the Jews that don't believe Jesus is the Messiah,other than Jesus,who has fulfilled all the old testament prophecy concerning who is the Messiah?

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A:For Christians, a promise to God is important because they believe that God holds their ultimate fate and must not be slighted by insincere promises.Even if there is no God, such a promise is a measure of a person's ethics and sincerity, and should be kept.

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Abraham promised to god that he would only worship one god. P.S. you misspelled Abraham : )

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What is the meaning of rainbow symbol?

To Christians and possibly Jews as well the rainbow symbolizes that God would never again visit a disaster like the flood on mankind ^ | | | >>>NO. it means that when there has been raining for a while, it's God's promise that he won't destroy the world with water. Only with fire. And it's also a promise that he won't destroy the world anytime soon. :)

God's promise to Israel found in Genesis?

god promised he would never flood the earth again!

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