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Q: What did Hamilton propose the U.S. create in Philadelphia?
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Who create a US bank?

Well, Hamilton and Washington created the first National Bank of the US.

Where was the first bank in the us?

It is in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. It was proposed by Alexander Hamilton in 1791 and the building completed in 1797.

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Alexander Hamilton was the author of a plan to create a national bank in the US. He proposed the establishment of the First Bank of the United States in 1791 as a way to promote a stable currency and stimulate economic growth.

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The framers of the US Constitution met in Philadelphia in 1787 to 1789 to create a new government to replace the Articles of Confederation government.

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The convention that created the US Constitution was held in Philadelphia from May to September 17, 1787. The Annapolis Convention was held from September 11th to the 14th, 1786 from which Alexander Hamilton drafted the Annapolis Resolve that called for the Federal Convention in Philadelphia...

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Alexander Hamilton is on the US $10 bill.

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