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The correct answer is: That each element has a different number of protons....

Chris Ellis

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12y ago
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1w ago

Henry Moseley determined that each element has a unique positive charge in its nucleus, which corresponds to its atomic number. This discovery helped to reorganize the Periodic Table based on atomic number rather than Atomic Mass, leading to a better understanding of the structure of the atom.

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Lvl 7
2y ago

The correct answer is: That each element has a different number of protons (Apex 2021)

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Emery Sporer

Lvl 1
2y ago
can you explain your answer?
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Lvl 1
2y ago
I just got it right on the test

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8y ago

Moseley proposed formulas of calculus justifying the atomic number of the chemical elements in the periodic table and their arrangement in the table.

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Q: What did Henry Moseley determine that contributed to understanding the atom?
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What were Henry morsely's efforts to the periodic table?

Henry Moseley contributed to the periodic table by arranging elements based on atomic number rather than atomic mass, establishing the modern periodic law. His work led to a more accurate arrangement of elements and a better understanding of their properties. Moseley's discovery helped fill gaps in the periodic table and laid the foundation for the modern understanding of the structure of atoms.

Who was Henry Moseley's mother?

Henry Moseley's mother was Amabel Gwyn Jeffreys, a talented artist and sculptor who was also the daughter of astronomer and meteorologist Thomas Jeffreys.

What are some accomplishments Henry moseley done?

Henry Moseley established the concept of atomic number and rearranged the periodic table based on this principle. His work led to a more accurate organization of the elements and contributed significantly to the development of modern physics and chemistry.

Who was Henry Mosely?

Henry Moseley was a British scientist who made significant contributions to the understanding of the periodic table of elements. He developed the concept of atomic number, which is now used to organize the elements in the periodic table based on the number of protons in the nucleus. Moseley's work helped to establish a more accurate and systematic arrangement of the elements.

Who developed the concept of atomic number?

The concept of atomic number was developed by physicist Henry Moseley in 1913. Moseley's work on X-ray spectra led to the realization that each element had a unique atomic number, which directly correlates to the number of protons in its nucleus.

Related questions

What did Henry Moseley determine that contributed to understanding atom?

The correct answer is: That each element has a different number of protons.... Chris Ellis

Who contributed ideas to the modern day periodic table?

Henry moseley

Who used x rays to determine atomic numbers?

Henry Moseley

What scientist determined that atomic mass did not determine the pattern of the periodic table?

Henry Moseley

What were Henry morsely's efforts to the periodic table?

Henry Moseley contributed to the periodic table by arranging elements based on atomic number rather than atomic mass, establishing the modern periodic law. His work led to a more accurate arrangement of elements and a better understanding of their properties. Moseley's discovery helped fill gaps in the periodic table and laid the foundation for the modern understanding of the structure of atoms.

When was Henry Moseley born?

Henry Moseley was born on November 23, 1887.

What is Henry Moseley's birthday?

Henry Moseley was born on November 23, 1887.

When was Henry Nottidge Moseley born?

Henry Nottidge Moseley was born in 1844.

How tall is James Henry Moseley?

James Henry Moseley is 6' 11".

When did Henry Nottidge Moseley die?

Henry Nottidge Moseley died in 1891.

Who was Henry Moseley's mother?

Henry Moseley's mother was Amabel Gwyn Jeffreys, a talented artist and sculptor who was also the daughter of astronomer and meteorologist Thomas Jeffreys.

What did Henry Mosley determine that contributed to understanding the atom?

Henry Mosley determined the concept of atomic number, which is the number of protons in an atom's nucleus. This discovery helped organize elements on the periodic table in a more accurate and systematic way, leading to a better understanding of atomic structure and behavior.