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Q: What did Henry VIII Gain from becoming head of the Church of England?
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What was Henry's plan to gain more power over the church?

To become King Of England x

How did Hendry gain support his Anglican Church?

I take it you mean Henry as in 8? Henry didn't need to gain to much support for the Church in England, for most people it was ,'their,' Church. All he had to do was keep it on the right lines and not deviate from the faith or make additions to it! While some people did fall away, on the whole, after all the misuse and neglect over the three hundred years the people of England stayed wonderfully loyal to the ancient Church.

Why was Henry important?

he made a school to train European navigators.

How much money did the Catholic Church gain annually during Henry VIII's time?


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How did Henry VII's marital difficulties lead to a break with Rome?

he wanted a divorce and the pope said no therefore henry removed the pope as the head church and place himself as the head church in order to gain a divorce.

What religion was Elizabeth?

Since the Reformation every monarch is required to be Church of England, so Elizabeth was Church of England. Remember she made sure her Catholic sister Mary wouldn't gain the throne.

Explain how William I Henry I and Henry II increased royal power in England?

They forced feudal lords to swore allegiance to them and tried to gain higher authority over the churches.

What was the religion of Henry VIII?

Henry VIII was at one time a very celebrated Catholic, so much so that he was awarded the title "Defender of the Faith" by the pope for a tract he had done with support from St. Thomas More in defense of the Sacraments against the Protestants. However, Henry had a falling out with the Church, largely due to his desire to secure an annulment that he might remarry, for his current wife had not produced an heir. When the pope refused and St. Thomas More would not aid him, Henry began to take steps to gain political control over the Church. In the end, a complete break was enacted and Henry is ultimately credited with establishing the Church of England, or Anglicanism. Rejecting papal authority, the crown became the supreme temporal authority in religious matters. Along with this came the doctrinal and disciplinary changes that were influenced by Protestantism on the main continent. He was not a protestant, but he was anti-papal, which means he was against the supremacy of Rome. He called himself a good Catholic on several accounts, and he burned Protestants as heretics. However, he did not believe that the Pope was all powerful in terms of religion, and so he separated from the Church and made himself Supreme Head of the Church of England

How do you gain control in a dictatorship?

you can gain control in a dictatorship by becoming president

Why was Henry VIII a good Catholic?

Henry was a good catholic at first and went to church 3 time per day. He even received an award from the pope called `Fidei Defensor` which meant Defender of Faith. Henry was so pleased that he put it on cions and you can still see it today on some coins. But later in life the pope excommunicated him from the church. When he demanded a devorce which was none to be impossible but did it anyway like the song Divorced beheaded died divorced beheaded survived!!!!!!!!!!! :)

Why did Henry VIII want to control the Church of England?

because Christianity was the religion of the people. and in order to gain legitimacy and ensure the peoples loyalty the kings had to be subservient to the pope and to god. Also Christianity was very popular and very wealthy therefore having huge amounts of money.