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Q: What did Hitler call useless people?
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What did world war 2 allow Hitler to do to the mentally ill?

They were among the first people that Hitler killed. He considered them "useless eaters."

What did Hitler call pure people?

The Aryan race were considered by Hitler to be pure.

What did Hitler call people who loved Jews?

[Your Moms Name Here]

What did Hitler call the government who signed the treaty of Versailles?

Hitler named the people who signed the Treaty of Versailles 'November Criminals'.

What do the Jewish people call Hitler's final solution?

The Holocaust the hebrew word is shoah.

What did the Jews cal Hitler?

why did they call hitler what?

Who said any alliance whose purpose is not the intention wage war is senseless and useless?

Adolf Hitler

Why did Hitler hate handicapped?

They were useless to his empire, they didn't bring him any good so he wanted them to be gone

Why did hitler kill the blackes?

He thought of them as useless slaves, and because they didn't have blond hair and blue eyes.

What did Hitler's army call him and why did they call him that?

der Führer (the leader)

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What did Hitler's men call him?
