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Hitler was power-hungry for more land, and after gaining popularity through terror in his own country, he promised to regain Germany's power in Europe.
Hitler began by taking over the Rhineland, a small area between Austria and Germany. Even though this was against the German-hated Versailles Treaty, the people appointed a policy of appeasement and didn't want to start another war, since not much time had passed between WWI and the 30s. Then Hitler declared Austria was part of Germany (his reasoning was that there were many German-speaking people there and he was just doing it for them) and then took over the Sudetenland, Belgium, Netherlands, and Luxembourg. Then he signed a nonaggression pact with Russia to secure that his eastern front was secure. A secret part of the agreement said that Germany would attack Poland and Germany and Russia would divide Poland between them.
Germany soon after attacked Poland, hence the beginning of WWII.

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11y ago

Hitler took many steps that threatened world peace that was 'appeased' by England and France.

One of the major factors was the re militarisation of the Rhineland, the French could have very easily stopped this as Hitler gave the reduced German army (100,000 strong) orders that if they saw any French resistance then they were to retreat and not fight. That was Hitler's most daring move.

Hitler made it clear that he was against Communism and published a book called 'Mein Kumpf' (my struggle) in this he noted that he was to gain living space to the east (invade Russia/USSR)

He also wanted to unit all German speaking people. (Invading Czechoslovakia)

Retaking of the Rhur (the major resource rich sector in Germany that was under the League of Nations control with all the profits going to France.)

Hitler needed an end to the reparation payments and so stopped paying. again Britain and France 'appeased' this.

Murdering off all non Arian race Germans (Jews, Homosexuals)

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Hitler wanted to conquer the world and expand germany so he blackmailed countries for land by threating war

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Kill people

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