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Nothing at all. They were all innocent. It wasn't the Germans who thought that, at least not at first. It was the Nazis who thought that the Jews caused all financial and economical errors in Europe, or Germany as a whole.

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10y ago

1. In 1939-1941 the German government made the lives of the Jews in Germany and in the German-occupied countries almost impossible. They were forcibly separate from the rest of the population.
2. Then, between about June 1941 and the end of World War 2 in Europe the German government systematically murdered all the Jews it could lay its hands on: in all, they murdered about six million of them (out of a prewar total of about 9.4 million Jews in Europe).

Already before the war, the Nazi government had subjected German Jews to increasing discrimination and had made it more and more difficult for Jews to earn a living or lead normal lives.
Adolph Hitler had begun to amass his troops, as well as to indoctrinate Germans-- but not all Germans. Hitler focused on his idea of the "perfect race", specifically blonde-haired, blue-eyed, fit, and able-bodied Germans. He envisioned creating and perpetuating this "perfect race" in a "perfect society" in his "perfect country". But, many people did not fit Hitler's idea of an ideal race. Elderly were "weak", as compared to strong men and women in their teens and 20s. Disabled persons certainly were not perfect, in Hitler's ideals, especially people missing a limb or unable to walk. Along the blonde-hair, blue-eyed ideal, almost all Jews were brown or black haired with brown eyes. There were some Jews who, if they hid their religion and their faith, could "pass" for "good Germans" because their genetics included blonde hair and blue eyes.

At first, Hitler only singled out the very sick, very weak, very elderly. But he quickly decided to herd Jews (the brown-eyed, brown/black haired persons, into an area that was referred to as a ghetto. (Note: This didn't have the same meaning as today, except that the buildings were or became run down, how people were crammed into the buildings, and the hopelessness that shadowed the area. Hitler ordered his troops to keep all the Germans closed off in the ghetto area. None were permitted to leave without special permission and their "papers", which were identification documents issued to all citizens... but that also identified Jews as being Jews. At the same time, Hitler "marked" the Jews, by making them sew onto their outer clothing the Star of David so they were easily recognizable. You see (just as in other people), many people born of German blood but who were NOT Jewish were also brown-haired, brown-eyed. Hitler's "ideal" population would have to be built over time-- he couldn't just kill everyone and leave the blondes alive. So first he made German citizens register with their names, birth date, identifying marks, parents' names, etc. These registries also documented whose ancestry was non-Jewish-German, thus separating them through ancestry (by bloodline through the German families). This separation was a very important part in Hitler's plan.

At first, Jews were simply herded into the Ghetto areas. Soon, fences with barbed wire were placed to keep Jews in, with armed guards at the entrance into the ghetto. Jews who had papers and permission could leave the ghetto to work, returning there at the end of the workday. If any of these workers became ill or injured, though, they were taken away one knew what happened to them. Now, we know that most were killed.

Hitler and the Germans used Jews to do menial labors; they were used in whatever ways the Germans wanted or needed, or just because they could make Jews do an activity because the German held a gun or power or both.

Before, and while, Jews lived in Ghetto areas, Germans would come in at any time and take people away. Jews weren't fully aware of what was going on--where did family go? Germans took these people to concentration camps---where many were killed.

But Hitler had other ideas, too. He decided that he could use the Jews in many devious and horrific ways. He enjoyed pitting Jews against each other, under threat that harm would come to the person's family. He wanted Jews to turn each other in for any infractions of the rules. The Germans had confiscated all guns, radios, and anything else the Germans wanted to restrict. In a closed society, Germans controlled information, news, etc. So some Jews knew that a radio gave information from the outside world and so, they tried to hide a prohibited radio, etc. The person who turned in another Jew was promised "rewards", like more food, better housing, etc. But Hitler and troops did not always keep their promises-- and if the promise was kept, it was only a matter of time before the snitch was also harmed by Nazi troops.

At the same time and even before the ghettos, Germans frequently came through neighborhoods and rounded up any Jews they saw. Jews had to be very careful while out because they could be taken away for "interrogation", for any reason. People left behind could only think their loved ones were alive.... but... most were killed.

As wars increase in intensity and duration, food supplies, goods, and resources decrease. The Jews, in Hitler's way of thinking, were leeches, consuming these resources, even though the Jews barely had food or possessions. The Germans took everything already. Increasingly, troops rounded up Jews. As the war escalated, Nazis used "cattle cars" in trains to "ship" more and more Jews to concentration camps. Jews were packed into the cars, as many as could stand tightly together. The Germans shut the sliding doors, not caring that the Jews had no food, water, toilet, or whether one or none would live. Many died during transport.

The "camps" held their own tortures. First, upon entering the camp, Jews were separated. Men and up to pre-teen and teenage boys.... women, girls, and youngest boys. Women were tricked, "You may have a hot shower to clean yourself after the long journey." So mothers "willingly" took their children to the "showers". Once the Jews were in the big shower room/building, the Nazis closed and barred the door, and sent gas out of the shower heads. The Jews were gassed and died. Nazis then ordered other Jews to lift the bodies onto wheelbarrows... and the bodies were either incinerated or buried in mass graves-- no names, no tombstones, etc. Sometimes, the husbands/fathers had no idea where the troops took their wives/young daughters/young sons... the didn't know right away that they were killed.

If Jews were kept alive, they were tattooed with a prisoner number on their forearm. Again, Germans excelled at keeping records. Some of the prisoners were used for medical experimentation; others were put into forced hard labor. Some Jews were, again, asked to betray their countrymen just to get small rewards--more soup, more bread, more "priviledges". BUT, still Germans only pitted people against each other until the thrills wore off-- so even a "friend" to the German willing to betray other Jews could simply be shot-- or lose the promised rewards. Many German soldiers though this abuse of power was quite funny.

As America and Allied troops closed in more on the Nazis, the incinerators were used day and night as more Jews were brought in and killed. People who lived and were at the camp even a few months lost much weight, looked like skeletons, and became ill.

Eventually, American troops arrived outside a camp. The Germans had run off, leaving prisoners behind. The Americans were shocked to see the condition of the Jewish prisoners. Soon, American troops found the mass graves -- evidence of the Nazi war atrocities.

Besides the millions of Jews maimed or killed, most had their money and possessions stolen by Nazis. The Jews' homes had been taken by troops and many were later bombed or destroyed by war. Families had been torn apart. Sympathizers, many who had tried to hide Jews, were also killed by Nazis. Cities/towns, society, neighborhoods, families, friends, etc. were either gone or dead, or completely changed by World War II.

NOTE: This is by no means a full account.

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12y ago

Hitler was known for his harsh cruelties committed against Jewish people and other minorities.

The most notable included Concentration Camps or "Death Camps". At these camps, many were killed, tortured, and experimented on. Research places like "Dachau" or "Auschwitz" for examples of some of the Death Camps.

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10y ago

The Nazis were extremely cruel and tried to kill as many Jews as possible. They killed millions of them in terrible concentration camps

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Q: How did the germans treat the jews during world war 2?
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