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Hitler wanted to take power and exterminate all Jewish people. He promised everyone in Germany That he would make their lives better. He blamed Jewish People for everything that was wrong with Germany.

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8y ago

Have you ever heard of the Holocaust? He encouraged the genocide of an entire group of people. His dream was "perfection of humanity" as he saw it. Aryan society with blonde hair, blue eyes, that sort of thing. Technically, he himself did very little to the Jews. But he was the force behind an innumerable amount of terrible deeds done to the jews, along with anyone else that wasn't perfect enough. Sometimes the person in charge is just as guilty as the perpetrator. This is a brief synopsis. I recommend that you go to and look up "holocaust". Prepare yourself for grisly information.

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18y ago

To put it simply...he killed them

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Q: What did Hitler do to the Germans?
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Germans are included in the Aryan race.

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No, Hitler made Germany go into war where millions of Germans lost their lives, their homes and everything they had. After Hitler's death Germany was destroyed and in shambles, so he definitely was not an effective leader for the Germans.

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For 2 reasons 1. Hitler was using propaganda on the germans, so some did believe in hitler and his ideal's about the Jews also, this was quite impowering to hitler because, once hitler got majority of germans on his side, he could proceed his plans 2. Hitler was using terror on the germans and the opposels of to the nazis

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Some did, there were many attempts on his life by Germans.

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All of it. The germans started it with Hitler.

Why do the Germans celebrate Christmas by hanging Hitler?

The Germans don't hang Hitler at Christmas (or any other time of the year)! What a strange story!

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Hitler did not really convert Germans to hate the Jews. Germany was already an anti-Semetic society when Hitler came to power and therefore, it was easy for Hitler to convince Germans to go along with his plans for Jews.