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He would provide food and shelter for all and would bring Germany out of an economic crisis.

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Q: What did Hitler tell people that enabled him to be elected through democratic means?
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What type of government did Germany have before Adolf Hitler became chancellor of Germany?

von Hindenburg was in power but when he died Hitler came into power

Did Hitler rise to power through a democratic system?

Yes. The Weimar Republic, prior to the Nazi takeover was a democratic state.

Did Hitler seize power through force or election?

Both. He was elected but he killed people who opposed him and elected his own men in.

What is Adolph Hitler famous for?

Well in Germany Adolph Hitler was running to be elected but when he wanted to be elected and kill or jail all the Jewish. The sozis were the people who didnt want Hitler to win the election like most of the Jews and the Nazis were the people who wanted hi to be elected. Eventually Hitler won because he made so many promises like i will help you get through the great depression. It is kind of wierd though Hitler had a bit of Jewish blood in him but he was ashamed of it.

When Hitler rose to power?

Hitler was elected as the Chancellor of Germany in 1933.

Was Hitler elected or was he a dictator?

Hitler was both elected and was a dictator. In the late 1920s and early 1930s Hitler created the nazi party. He promised things such as jobs for everyone and eventually gained enough support to be elected.

What government was Hitler and Mussolini elected?

I think that they weren't elected.

When did Hitler get appointed to lead Germany?

Hitler wasn't "appointed" he was elected in 1933.

Was Hitler a believer in democracy?

Hitler was elected democratically but then made himself a dictator.

When Hindenburg dies in 1934 what does Hitler declares himself?

Hitler was actually elected by the Reich stag He took power through legal means. But he called originally Chanceller and then called the Fuhrer later on.

Who elected Hitler as a government?

The German people did.

Why was Hitler able to come to power in Germany?

He was elected.