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Q: What did Jacob Riis do to solve some problems in New York?
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What newspaper did Jacob Riis work for?

New York Tribune.

Who wrote about tenant houses in New York?

Jacob Riis

Why was Jacob Riis so important?

Jacob Riis was a journalist and photographer in New York City. He wrote about and took photos of the impoverished in New York City, which ended up getting them help.

Where was Jacob Riis' first successful job?

At a newspaperThe New York Tribune

What was the name of Jacob Riis' book?

Jacob Riis' book was titled "How the Other Half Lives." It was published in 1890 and focused on the living conditions of the poor in New York City tenements.

Who was Jacob Riis and what did he do?

Jaco Riis was a journalist and photographer. He is known for helping the poor people of New York City with his photography and journalism talents.

Which journalist and photographer exposed the horrible conditions in New York tenements?

Jacob Riis

Jacob Riis' first job was a carpenter's aprentice what was his boss' name?

the new york tribune

Which of the followng does not describe Jacob riis?

Jacob Riis was a social reformer and journalist known for his work documenting the living conditions of immigrants in New York City tenements. He is not known for being a military leader or a painter.

What urban problems did Jacob riis identify in his book?

Jacob Riis identified overcrowding, poor living conditions, inadequate sanitation, and poverty as key urban problems in his book, "How the Other Half Lives." He highlighted the struggles of immigrants and working-class individuals living in the tenements of New York City during the late 19th century.

Whose photographs exposed the dangerous living conditions in tenements in New York City?

jacob riis

Who wrote about urban problems around the end of the 1800 by Jacob?

Jacob Riis, a Danish-American journalist and social reformer, wrote about urban problems in his book "How the Other Half Lives" in the late 19th century. Riis used photography and his writing to expose the harsh living conditions of tenement dwellers in New York City, bringing attention to issues such as overcrowding, poverty, and inadequate housing.