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it use to make supplies for stores i think?? or maybe it use to make toys??

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Q: What did Japan's Nintendo company manufacture before it started making computer games?
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Why did Nintendo call themselves Nintendo?

Nintendo started out as a card company and the founder wanted luck to be with him so he named the company Nintendo meaning "heavens hands"

When was Nintendo inveted?

Nintendo is a company, not an item. It was founded not invented, in 1889 as a trading cards company. They started manufacturing electronics in 1966.

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Nintendo was founded on September 23, 1889 by Fusajiro Yamauchi.

What did Nintendo produce before video games?

Yes, Actually. Nintendo started out as a playing card company, then developed board games, toys, and musical instruments.

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When did Nintendo company start?

It started September 23, 1889. Nintendo was started by Fusajiro Yamauchi who produced a playing card game called Hanafuda. They started to gain popularity and Yamauchi hired assistants to help him produce the cards.

When did the company Wii start?

Well, the Wii isn't a company, it is a platform for videogames. The Wii came out in 2007, and the company-Nintendo-started in mid-1900.

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Who invented the Nintendo company?

Nintendo was formed in 2000 by Fusajiro Yamauchi. They started selling it in america

What is the oldest video game company?

The oldest Video Game company is Nintendo! They Started back in the 1889 as a playing card company! They were renamed Nintendo in 1963. They began to make coin-operated video games in 1978.In 1981 they began Donkey Kong and became the best selling coin operated machine. Their First Console they sold was called the NES and started to sell in 1985. To this Day Nintendo is was and still a successful Gaming company that will never be destroyed.

What did the phone company nokia initally manufacture?

They started out manufacturing paper - by using water power to operate their paper mills.