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Jesus was Jewish

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Q: What did Jesus adopt from the Jewish religion?
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Which religion was Jesus born into?

Jesus was raised Jewish.

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Jesus was born into the Jewish religion.

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What religion was Judas?

Jewish, as was Jesus.

The religion which was followed by Jesus was?

Jesus was Jewish, as were each of the Apostles :)

What type of religion was Jesus?

Jesus came from a Jewish family.

What religion was Jesus and the 12 apostles?

Jesus was Jewish and the apostles were Christians because they followed him :)

Why are the Maccabees essential to the Jewish religion?

If not for the Maccabees, the Seleucid Empire would have extinguished the Jewish religion and forced all Jews to adopt Greek ways.

Can a Jewish person be married to a catholic one and adopt his her religion?

The Jewish person cannot adopt the religion but needs to go through a program to become Catholic called the Rite of Christian Initiiation. However, the Jewish person is always welcome to attend Mass but cannot receive communion.

What religion was peter Jesus disciple?

All of the apostles and Jesus were Jewish, however, they began Christianity.

Christianity began in the Jewish religion by followers of which of these people?

it was Jesus of Nazareth.

When did Christianity begain in the Jewish religion?

When Jesus began to reform it to fit him.