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Q: What did Jesus do that challenged and conflicted with the Jewish leaders?
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How is Jesus a sign of contradiction?

Jesus knew the Jewish scriptures well but seemed to contradict what they thought was the Law. Jesus challenged their interpretation of the Law.

What was Jesus relationship with the sadducces?

Jesus had a tense and adversarial relationship with the Sadducees. They were a group of Jewish religious leaders who denied the concept of the afterlife and the resurrection. This brought them into conflict with Jesus, who taught about the resurrection and challenged their authority.

Who influence the accusation of Jesus?

The Pharisees which were Jewish religious leaders

What were the Jewish leaders reasons for wanting Jesus to be put to death?

to wait

Why do people hate the Jews when it was the Italians who killed the Rabbi Jesus?

The Jews are blamed for the death of Jesus because it was the Jewish religious leaders who manipulated Herod and Pilate into crucifying Jesus by charging Jesus with breaking certain Jewish laws making him worthy of death. The Romans would have rather released Jesus that day and crucified Barabbas. But the Jewish mobs at the behest of the Jewish leaders clamored for the release of Barabbas and the crucifixion of Jesus.

What did Jesus preach that made Him so controversial?

Jesus claimed to be the son of God and God himself. He also challenged the Jewish leaders of the day by exposing hypocrisies and inconsistencies in their religious practices that were never intended by God. He also preached that there is only one god and that the emperor is not a God.

When Jesus was first spreading his teaching what did some Jewish leaders accused him of?


Jesus was accused by the religious leaders as being someone who broke the Jewish laws concerning the?


Why was Jesus unpopular with the Jewish leaders?

Mostly because He refused to accept the teachings of the oral law.

How did the nature of Jesus as truly God and truly man pose a problem of understanding for people of the Jewish tradition of the first century CE?

It was because it completely conflicted with their beliefs. If I were to say to you that Jesus was mortal, and was not God, you would refuse to believe me, correct? So, it was not an issue of understanding, it was just that they did not agree with it, and then chose, because it conflicted with their beliefs, to up rise against it.

The Jewish leader that condemend jesus to death?

Caiaphas was High Priest. Jesus was sentenced to death on the orders of Pilate, the Roman Governor because the Jewish leaders had no authority to do so. The Pharisees and priests, as a committee, urged Pilate to condemn Jesus.

Why did these Jewish leaders not want the apostle teaching in Jesus name?

The Jewish leaders did not like Jesus. He taught and preached the true word of God. Many of the people were beginning to believe in Him and turning away from the Jewish leaders teachings. So they crucified Jesus and thought they had got rid of the problem. They could now go on teaching in their perverted ways. But what happens? Here the apostles of Jesus start teaching the ways of Jesus and even healed a few persons. This upset the Jewish leaders. They thought they had got rid of the problem and now it was manifesting itself again. The leaders told the apostles to stop teaching in Jesus' name. This is all they could do because the true cause, "the way" was so popular killing the apostles would be a big mistake. The apostles did not stop preaching, and this is a good lesson to whether we should obey man or God, when it come to the important things of God.