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Jesus was always against idol worship.And said it should not be practiced.

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Q: What did Jesus say about worshiping false gods?
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How would a Hindu react if you were to suggest that they believed in lots of gods?

The Hindu would just say that all the Hindu gods are the subordinates of the supreme Hindu god Brahman and therefore, irrespective of which of the infinite Hindu god he is worshiping, he would always be worshiping some part of Brahman.

Who worships false gods?

All gods are real to their own followers, but may be considered false to followers of other gods. So, the concept of 'false gods' is, to some extent, a theological one. The more intolerant religions may call the gods of other religions 'false', while those religions that practise tolerance merely say, "we do not believe in that God (or those gods)."

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False christs and false prophets (Matthew 24:24).

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God, but it has to go through Jesus first. That's why you always say "in Jesus name" at the end of a prayre. Really, Jesus is Gods secritary.

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false lazarus died and then jesus came and raised him from the dead

How can you ensure that you do not worship false idols?

Answer'Idols' is a derogatory term used by one religion about the holy images of another religion. To a Christian, an image of Jesus is not an idol, but images of the gods of other religions are 'idols'. So, the concept of false idols relies on knowing which religion is right for you, and only worshipping the God or gods of that religion. And the safest way to avoid worshipping false idols is to not worship any god at all - after all many say that there really is no God.

If an assembly of say 10 Christians congregated in a park without a pastor or priest to worship Jesus is that the same as attending church?

If you are assembled in the name of god, then worshiping god is enough.

What God is the best God?

i would say all gods are good even Herculie's etc and god Jesus is dad

Are there myths of Children of gods and humans?

Jesus, A lot of people say it's myth, can't be proven either way.

Why does jesus always say no?

because Gods plan is better than mans plan.he wants also to test our patience.

What did the apostle John say about Jesus (John 1114) and what false teaching did this correct?

John 11:14 Then Jesus said to them plainly, "Lazarus is dead. You may have the wrong reference.

What did Jesus say or do that made Bartholomew want to follow Jesus?

Its not that Jesus had to negotiate with Jesus, although things were said about the kingdom to come and the judging. He also said things to bartholemew like the unjust will be punished the just rewarded, the poor shall be rich, the rich shall be poor, but it was mostly the holy spirit and gods wisdom coming into bartholemew that made him follow in gods path