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Jesus rebukes Peter in Mark 8:33, saying to him, "Get behind me Satan, for thou savourest not the things of God, but the things of men." Peter had just rebuked Jesus for speaking of his impending death, and this is Jesus' response. These rebukes form part of a chiastic structure, an ancient literary device in which an opening set of events is mirrored by a second set to create emphasis and develop themes not otherwise apparent:

a. Peter affirms that Jesus is the Messiah

.. b Jesus refers to his death and resurrection

.... c Peter rebukes Jesus

.... c' Jesus rebukes Peter

.. b' Jesus refers to death, the cross and life after death

a'. "Whosoever therefore shall be ashamed of me ..."

Here we see that the two rebukes (events c and c') link Peter's affirmation of Jesus with Jesus' warning not to be ashamed of him. We know that later in the gospel, Peter indeed denies his affirmation of Jesus and seems ashamed to have known him.

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Q: What did Jesus say to Peter when He rebuked him?
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