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Jimmy, in "A Retrieved Reformation" changes his life to become an honorable and good man - this is because he falls in love with Annabelle. he wants to be better for herself, and therefore changes to become a better person.

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1mo ago

When Jimmy was released from prison in "A Retrieved Reformation," he sought to live an honest life and turned away from a life of crime. He fell in love with a girl named Annabel Adams and decided to start over fresh. He let go of his past identity as a criminal, choosing to follow a path of redemption and righteousness instead.

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13y ago

Jimmy was sent to prison because the police believed he stole money from the bank.

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Q: What did Jimmy do when he was released from prison In a retrieved reformation?
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What is the inciting incident in a retrieved reformation?

The inciting incident in "A Retrieved Reformation" by O. Henry is when Jimmy Valentine is released from prison after serving ten months of a four-year sentence. This event sets the story in motion as Jimmy decides whether to return to his life of crime or start anew.

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Jimmy changes his name to Ralph D. Spencer in the story "A Retrieved Reformation." He does this in an effort to start a new, reformed life as a respected member of society after his release from prison.

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In "A Retrieved Reformation" by O. Henry, Billy is a fellow criminal who used to work with Jimmy Valentine before he went to prison. He plays a significant role in the story as he inadvertently leads to Jimmy's reformation by recognizing him and warning him about a potential trap.

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The narrative hook of "A Retrieved Reformation" is when the main character, Jimmy Valentine, is released from prison after serving time for his criminal activities as a safecracker. The reader is intrigued to see how his character will evolve and whether he will return to a life of crime or choose a different path.

What is the exposition of a retrieved reformation?

"The Exposition of A Retrieved Reformation" introduces the protagonist, Jimmy Valentine, who is a skilled safe-cracker. He is locked up in prison for his crimes, but shows signs of reforming when he is released on parole. However, a detective from his past starts to suspect his true identity, leading to a climax where Jimmy must choose between his criminal past and his newfound redemption.

What is the foreshadowing in A Retrieved Reformation?

In "A Retrieved Reformation," the foreshadowing occurs when Jimmy Valentine tells the warden that he will not break his heart before leaving prison. This foreshadows a change in Jimmy's character and suggests that he may not return to his criminal ways. Additionally, the mention of Jimmy's tools and safes in the prison cell foreshadows his skills that will be used later in the story.

Why did Jimmy look at Annabel so strangely in A retrieved reformation?

Jimmy looked at Annabel strangely because he recognized her as the woman he loved before he went to prison. The moment sparked a change in him, inspiring a reformation and leading him to make better choices in his life.

How does the change happen to jimmy valentine in the retrieved reformation?

Because he blinked.

Whonis the protagonist in a retrieved reformation?

The protagonist in "A Retrieved Reformation" by O. Henry is Jimmy Valentine, a professional safe-cracker who undergoes a transformation after falling in love.

Is jimmy valentine the secondary character?

Yes, Jimmy Valentine is the main character in the short story "A Retrieved Reformation" by O. Henry. He is a skilled safe-cracker who undergoes a transformation after serving time in prison.

Why is jimmy in jail From the book o Henry?

In the story "A Retrieved Reformation" by O. Henry, Jimmy Valentine is in jail for safe-cracking. He is a skilled safecracker who was caught during a bank robbery and sentenced to prison.

Who knows that Ralph Spencer and jimmy valentine are the same person by line 37 in retrieved reformation?

Tompkins, a detective, knows that Ralph Spencer and Jimmy Valentine are the same person by line 37 in "A Retrieved Reformation" by O. Henry.