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Wenn die Münze im Kasten klingt,

die Seele in den Himmel springt!

"When the coin rings in the box,

the soul will jump into heaven!"

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Johann Tetzel famously preached: "As soon as the coin in the coffer rings, the soul from purgatory springs." This slogan implied that purchasing indulgences could alleviate the suffering of deceased loved ones in purgatory.

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Q: What did Johann tetzel say to the Germans to buy indulgences?
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Who was john tetzel and what did he do to anger Luther?

Johann Tetzel was a German, a Dominican priest who went about preaching about indulgences. He angered Luther by claiming seriously more than the Roman Catholic Church actually taught about indulgences, almost to the point of saying people could buy their way into Heaven.

What evidence can you find that germans of the time were angry because church leaders forced them to buy indulgences?

There is little evidence the prove that German's were mad and had to buy indulgences. This is just told by mouth.

Who was sent to wittenberg to sell letters if indulgence?

John Tetzel was hired by Albert of Mainz to sell indulgences in order to pay his debt to the Fugger bank (Albert of Mainz borrowed money from the bank to buy another position (simony) ; approved by Pope Leo X).

Who can you buy indulgences for?

One cannot "buy" indulgences at all, they are not now, and have never been "for sale". An indulgence can only be earned. It can only be earned for oneself and for the poor souls in purgatory.

Why did Luther disagree with Johann tetzels view on indulgences?

He found the idea of indulgences repugnant. Indulgences were a shameful way of collecting money for the Church. The idea was that you could lessen your time in purgatory by donating money to the Church. You could basically "buy" your way into Heaven.

Was the selling of indulgences a way for the pope to raise money?

Selling indulgences raised money for the church and the pope. They managed to convince the people to buy indulgences even though common sense would tell people that buying a piece of paper does not rid all of a person's sins.

What was Martin Luther the monk opposed to selling?

Indulgences. Indulgences are where one would buy their way into heaven either on their deathbed or to forgive sins. Because many reformations opposed the selling of indulgences they were prohibited during the Catholic Reformation in an effort to slow the rate of people converting to the reformed sects.

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What did Luther criticise the Roman Catholic Church for selling?

indulgences...people having to buy their way into heaven or pergatory

How do Germans get there food?

Most people buy it in supermarkets.

Who did Martin Luther appeal to?

because martin Luther did not believe in sacraments, elaborate ceremonies, and indulgences, he appealed mostly to lower class citizens who could not afford to buy indulgences and who had to work so much, they could not even attend a sermon.

Was Luther a firm believer in the practice of selling indulgences?

Martin Luther saw the sale of indulgences as a form of simony, which was supposedly foreign to Catholic teaching. He also recognised the potential and fact of their sale leading to widespread corruption in the Church.