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Q: What did John Adams support economic wise tariffs taxes or national debt?
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What type of national projects did John Quincy Adams support?

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How did the policymaking of John Quincy Adams affect American politics and history?

John Quincy Adams pushed for the building of roads, canals, and a national observatory. He also accepted protective tariffs. The Southerners were very upset by the Tariff of Abominations. Adams was not able to get a second term and Andrew Jackson became president.

What bills were passed by John Quincy Adams?

John Quincy Adams asked congress to pass a national economic program. The measure did not pass during President Adams 4 years in office.

What does Abigail Adams need?

Support from John Adams

What was John Adams first goal as president?

At First, John Adams plan was to stay neutral when it came to the war between England and France. Later, a treaty between America in England, made relationships with France uneasy. His domestic policies were similar to Washingtons, he stressed values and civic virtue. And because of the wars in Europe, John Adams stressed increasing the size of both the Army and the Navy.

When was Adams National Historical Park created?

Adams National Historical Park was created in 1946.

What state did John Adams say he needed support of?

john adams said he needed support from washington

Which President avoided war through economic embargoes?

john adams

What is the area of Adams National Historical Park?

The area of Adams National Historical Park is 34,398.2795904 square meters.

What did Abigail Adams support?

Abigail Adams supported her husband John Adams and she supported her children and in what she was doing

What was John Quincy Adams mainly known for?

the corrupt bargin during the election of 1824 and issuing the tariffs of 1816,1824, and 1828.

Where did Ansel Adams photograph?

Adams is usually associated with Yosemite National Park.