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The five main points of John Dalton's atomic theory are as followed: · Elements are made of tiny particles called atoms. · All atoms of a given element are identical. · The atoms of a given element are different from those of any other element. · Atoms of one element can combine with atoms of other elements to form compounds. · A given compound always has the same relative numbers of types of atoms. · Atoms cannot be created, divided into smaller particles, nor destroyed in the chemical process. A chemical reaction simply changes the way atoms are grouped together.The year was 1803.He also discovered the Dalton effect in ophtalmology, a gas law, prepared a list of atomic weights of chemical elements etc.

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Q: What did John Dalton discover and in what year?
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Dalton's atomic theory was a major contribution to discover the atomic structure in despite of been completely counterproved.

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How did john Dalton discover his atomic theory?

Go to:'s.htmthat's where I found my answer

What was the year John Dalton submitted his model of the atom?

The atomic theory of John Dalton is from 1801-1802.

When year Dalton discover his theory?

It was discovered in 1801, I don't know where though.

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Who proposed the theory that the elements in a compound do not always combine in the same fixed ratio?

The person who stated this was SchrodingerThanks, but do you know what year?