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They both believed in absolutism.

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Q: What did Louis XIV and Peter the great both believe in?
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Who preceded Louis XIV?

Nobody. Napoleon Bonaparte crowned himself emperor and ended the French Revolution. Then, in 1814, the count of Provence, crowned himself King of France, but he was only so in name and had no actual reigning power. Neither had any of his successors. Louis XVI was actually the last real King of France in the old regime.

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Only counting the legitimate line: Louis XIV's grandsons were Louis Duke of Burgundy, Philip V of Spain and Charles Duke of Berry, who were the sons of his only son Louis the Dauphin (Crown prince). Sadly, Both the Dauphin and his eldest son the Duke of Burgundy died before Louis XIV, leaving the elderly king's only heir and eventual successor to be his toddler great-grandson Louis Duke of Anjou who ascended as Louis XV when Louis XIV died in 1715. And yes, contrary to popular belief Louis XV is not the son of Louis XIV but rather his great-grandson