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He pbuh told them that he will do an intercession, good speech by Allah swt for the believers in God, so that many can be saved from Hell.

he said, Muslims be glad, you will go to Paradise. (so Muslims fear the day of judgment (a day that is comparable with 50.000 years), not what will come after it

The pagan Arabs, tortured him and he suffered very much. He got many times almost killed.

The people were many times astonished that he carred more about people, give them more rights , rather than thinking of his own. So he had the mentality of: "first you, and maybe later myself."

Ali r.a. said: "When the battle (in war) would become to fierce, we would flee to the prophet pbuh (we would come behind the prophet pbuh), and he used to fight the people and would defend us."

In the war of Uhud, when all the men flee, the prophet pbuh said soemthing like this: "I looked to the right, and I saw a woman(um Emerah), defending me , I looked to the left and I saw a woman defending me!" He pbuh said: Who bears what you bear! , ask of me, ask of me (wish,wish!!!). They only replied: "We wish youre company in Paradise o prophet".

a woman would not go with someone to a war, and when everybody flees, she would not stand firm if she was not convinced of him.

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It proves very little to compare the way we believe Jesus suffered, with the experiences of Muhammad. If Muhammad was really chosen by God to teach Islam, then the question implies dissent with God. As a Christian, your question should be no more than which religion reflects eternal truth.

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The missions of Muhammad and Jesus as understood by Muslims and Christians respectively are completely different. Jesus was a divinity who through self-expiation redeemed humanity. Muhammad was a man who through divine guidance and political foresight sought to unite and improve the lives of his people. Naturally, there are very few clear cut similarities in their characters.

However, if we are to discuss Jesus' expiatory qualities or some sort of self-sacrifice and compare that to Muhammad, we find very little in the life of Muhammad that has similar qualities. Muhammad did not argue that he had come to avenge sin or hold people blameless. In fact, the second half his prophetic career was spent in war against the Pagan Meccans. Even in such wars, where there were numerous chances for Muhammad to engage in some sort of self-sacrifice to protect his fellow Muslims, Muhammad did not do this. He did fight, and notoriously wore two suits of armor, but he never made a heroic charge or made some valiant effort to protect the Muslim flank. (Even the story in the Community Answer discusses someone dying valiantly to protect Muhammad - not the other way around.) Muhammad was much better as an arbitrator, bureaucrat, and administrator, which were all attributes that Jesus lacked.

Probably the closest argument to Muhammad possessing an expiatory quality is that the Qur'an argues that God allows Muhammad in heaven to intercede during God's judgment over the dead and spare some people from hellfire. But in the sense that it is getting God to exercise mercy over recognized sins, as opposed to expunging them or taking them on himself, it is not truly expiatory. Additionally, it fails to deal with the "people of his time" since he will not be an intercessor until after his death.

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Q: What did Mohammad do for the people of his time that compares with the suffering and death to save humanity of Jesus?
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