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jobs on railroads or in factories.

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Jobs on railroads or in factories.

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Q: What did African Americans who moved from the south to the north find?
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In the great migration of 1910 to 1940 African Americans moved?

South to north

In the great of 1910 to 1940 African Americans moved?

from the south to the north

Most African Americans who moved to north from south found?

Jobs on railroads or in factories

Most African Americans who moved to the north from the south found what?

jobs on railroads or in factories.

Most African-Americans who moved to the north from the south found?

Jobs on railroads or in factories

Which best describes the movement of African Americans between 1910 and 1930?

Many African Americans moved from the rural South to the urban North.

In the early 20th century many african americans moved from south to cities in the north this great migration helped stimulate a flowering of artistic talent by africans in new york known as the harl?

In the early 20th century, many African-Americans moved from the South to cities in the North. This "Great Migration" helped stimulate a flowering of artistic talent by African-Americans in New York known as the Harlem Renaissance.

Why was discrimination against free African Americans harsher in the south than in the north?

Why do you think that discrimination against free African Americans was harsher in the South than in the North?

Why did the north and south need African Americans to serve in their army?

I don't think the south recruited them but the North recruited African Americans to win the war against the south to make the slaves free.

What effects did desertification have on African people?

people moved from north to south.

African Americans moved north for jobs .?

Over 1.6 million African Americans moved from the rural south to the North during the Great Migration of 1910 to 1930. Another migration period occurred from 1940 to 1970 relocating about 4.5 million African Americans to the Northeast, Midwest, and West.

WhatAmericans celebrate July 4 with?

African Americans,South Americans,North Americans,and Cubans. I no so