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Mr. Brocklehurst punished Jane by accusing her of being a deceitful and disobedient child. He humiliated her by cutting off her hair, making her wear plain and uncomfortable clothes, and isolating her from the other students at Lowood School.

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Q: What did Mr. Brocklehurst do to Jane in Jane Eyre?
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Who is the benefactress of the school at Morton in Jane Eyre?

The benefactress of Lowood School in Jane Eyre is Mr. Brocklehurst's wealthy aunt, Miss Brocklehurst. She provides financial support to the school and has influence over its operations.

How old is Mr Brocklehurst from Jane Eyre?

In "Jane Eyre," Mr. Brocklehurst is portrayed as a middle-aged man. His precise age is not explicitly mentioned in the novel.

What did mr. Brocklehurst do to Jane?

Mr. Brocklehurst was the director of Lowood School where Jane Eyre attended. He mistreated Jane by publicly shaming her, accusing her of being a deceitful and rebellious child, and subjecting her to harsh conditions and poor treatment at the school.

Who owns the school in the novel Jane Eyre?

Mr. Brocklehurst is the owner of Lowood School in the novel "Jane Eyre." He serves as the treasurer and supervisor of the institution.

What is Mr. Brocklehurst's first name in Jane Eyre?

Mr. Rochester gets blinded when he tries to save his servants in his burning house. After that he decides to live isolated in the forest with only two of his servants. About 2 years later Jane finds Mr. Rochester and she gets married to him. Gradually, Mr. Rochester finds his eyesight and lives with Jane forever.

What is different in Mr Brocklehurst and Helen's view of religion?

Im guessing your talking about Brontes Jane eyre. Well Mr. Brocklehurst was a mean man and didnt think religeon was important , Helen thought religeon was important and that as she was a christian every christian should follow gods law.

How dows Jane behave after the departure of Mr Brocklehurst?

After Mr. Brocklehurst's departure, Jane feels a sense of relief and freedom. She becomes more confident and assertive, standing up for herself when necessary. Jane also begins to explore her own beliefs and values independently, without the strict influence of Mr. Brocklehurst.

Who was smoking the cigar in Jane Eyre?

Mr. Mason was smoking a cigar in Jane Eyre.

Does Jane marry mr rochester at the end of Jane Eyre?

Yes, Jane Eyre ends with Jane marrying Mr. Rochester. After overcoming various obstacles, they are reunited and their love triumphs in the end.

What promise does Mr Rochester make in Jane Eyre?

Mr. Rochester promises to marry Jane Eyre and tells her that she will not have to live alone for the rest of her life.

When did Jane Eyre first meet mr rochester?

Jane Eyre first met Mr. Rochester when she became the governess for his ward, Adele, at Thornfield Hall.

In Jane Eyre how does Jane feel while standing on the stool when she is called a liar?

Jane feels humiliated and angry while standing on the stool as she is falsely accused of being a liar by Mr. Brocklehurst. She refuses to accept the falsehoods being told about her and maintains her sense of pride and integrity despite the public shaming.