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Q: What did Napoleon value over individual rights?
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How can individual rights be respected in a supportive relationship?

By its nature, a supportive relationship respects individual rights by way of equal treatment. As long as no individual exercises control over another, individual rights will be upheld.

Explain how individual rights can be respected in a supportive relationship?

By its nature, a supportive relationship respects individual rights by way of equal treatment. As long as no individual exercises control over another, individual rights will be upheld.

What are the individual rights of Cuban citizens?

there are really none over there.

What is the principle that the rights of individual states should prevail over the rights of the federal government?

The idea is called "states rights".

Which best describes the Supreme Court's decision in Schmerber v. California?

The safety of the public takes precendence over individual rights

Should laws take precendence over individual rights?

It depends. Laws shouldn't violate our individual rights in the first place, but also we give up some rights and freedom for protection of other rights. (The Social Contract)

Locke's ideas had the most influence over?

the rights and freedoms of the individual written into the U.S. Declaration of Independence.

Did the ancient Roman legal system stress the rights of the individual over the authority of the government?

Roman law was based on the principle of rights, the rights of citizens.

A colony over which an individual or group had been granted full governing rights was called?

A colony over which an individual or group had been granted full governing rights was called a proprietary colony. The monarch that gets to appoint the governor of the royal colony.

How did Napoleon's hundred days end?

With Napoleon's defeat at Waterloo on June 18, 1815 and his renounce to all his rights as Emperor in favour of his son, on June 22, 1815. Twelve days later Napoleon handed himself over to the British going on board of the HSMS Bellerophon.

When and to what extent is it acceptable for the government to place the needs of the nation over the rights of the individual?

In cases where there is a breach in national security, it is acceptable for the government to place the needs of a nation over the rights of an individual. The government is trying to protect the national security of the United States all the time.

The ancient roman legal system stressed the rights of the individual over the authority of the government?

Yes, Roman law was based on the principle of the rights of citizens.