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Some Native American groups were allied with Europeans (mostly the French or British), where they fought in numerous wars. Others were just friendly towards the Europeans and traded with them.

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maybe the chief had many Indian allies by the way I'm 10.

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Q: What did Native Americans do to help Europe conquer the New World?
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How could 500 Spaniards conquer 15 million Native Americans?

The Spanish had guns and other weapons while the Native Americans had very little in comparison.The tribes were also weakened by disease brought to the New World by the Europeans.

What problems did the Native Americans face in Europe?

The first native Americans went to Europe with European explorers, starting with Columbus. They were treated in various ways, some as slaves, and some as honored guests. Pocahontas, for example, married an Englishman and went to England, where she was treated with respect. The worst problem Native Americans had in Europe was possibly exposure to diseases against which they had no immunity. This was, of course, also a problem in the New World, but in Europe it was inescapable.

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The people who came from Europe to the New World. They killed the Native Americans with their foreign diseases and their random slayings. They also forced the Native Americans off of their land and that starved them.

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What factors led to the conquest of native Americans by the spanish?

the native americans were weakened by various diseases that were brought by the europeans e.g. small pox, measles and chicken pox the europeans used superior weapon , had helmets for protection during the fight , and also had horses which the native americans had neverf seen before, the native americans thought that all that was taking place was a sign of the end of the world . there was division and therfore disunity among the native americans, this made the europeans conquer them easily due to their division.

Who are native Americans?

Native Americans are those people who were the original inhabitants of the USA.Later on,people from Europe in particular and from all over the world in general moved to there.They are also called Red Indians.They are backward section of the society.

Who native Americans are?

Native Americans are those people who were the original inhabitants of the USA.Later on,people from Europe in particular and from all over the world in general moved to there.They are also called Red Indians.They are backward section of the society.

What was the importance of finding at Monte verd Chile?

It proves that Native Americans were thriving on seafood in Chile before northern Europe was ever inhabited - suggesting that the Western Hemisphere is hardly the 'New World'.

What killed many American Indians?

The people who came from Europe to the New World. They killed the Native Americans with their foreign diseases and their random slayings. They also forced the Native Americans off of their land and that starved them.

What did the winners get in World War 2 in Europe?

They put an end to German nationalist attempts to conquer Europe.

What helped introduce native americans to the world of economy?

Death, for a simple answer. Native Americans learned very quickly that these crazy people from Europe placed value on a small lump of yellow metal (quoting John Locke) and that these crazy people would kill over it.