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The Nazis hoped to use the heavy water to make atomic weapons.

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Q: What did Nazi Germany do with Heavy Water?
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How do you use heavy water in a sentence?

When the Norsk Hydro plant was bombed in WW2, thousands of gallons of heavy water destined for Nazi Germany's nuclear project spilled from the plant's enrichment cascade back into the ocean.

When did Nazi Germany start its heavy water experiments?

Nazi Germany began its 'heavy water' experiments (or, more precisely, production) in mid-1940 after its invasion and conquest of Norway, which was at the time the world's only source of this key ingredient for the production of a nuclear weapon. Production at this facility ceased several years later as a result of several Allied bombing raids and the subsequent attempted transfer to Germany of the heavy-water supply, which was lost in yet another Allied-inspired sabotage operation.

Who rule over Nazi germany?

The Nazi party led by Adolf Hitler ruled Nazi Germany. That is why it is called "Nazi" Germany.

What relationship did Hitler have with the Nazi Germany?

He was the leader of Nazi Germany .

Who was the Nazi in Germany?

Adolf Hitler was the leader of the Nazi Party in Germany.

What country annexes Austria and the Sudetenland?

Nazi Germany

Which country created the Heavy Water Reactor?

Germany the Nazis had HWreactors in Norway and transfered the water to Germany to create the a-bomb

Can you list human rights in Nazi Germany?

There were no human rights in Nazi Germany.

When did Reichstag - Nazi Germany - end?

Reichstag - Nazi Germany - ended in 1945.

Which historical development showed the desire of a group to gain independence from a colonial power?

Rise of the nazi party in Germany

Why is the Nazi flag flown in Germany?

The Nazi flag is not flown in Germany. It is against German law to display the Nazi flag and other Nazi symbols

Was there a city named Nazi Germany?

No, Nazi Germany is the name given to Germany during the time Hitler was in power.