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Clean. Emissions free. Chemical free. A stench produced by a rare pod of beached whales or perhaps a passing skunk.

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Q: What did New Jersey smell like in the 1600's?
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What were New Jersey politics in the 1600s?

no pie

What are where the jobs in the 1600s for New Jersey?

farming and lumbering

Did they harvest lumber in New Jersey in the 1600s?

yes they did bro

What was the major cash crops in New Jersey in the 1600s?


What career opportunities were there in New Jersey in the 1600s?

There were only a few career opportunities for men in New Jersey during the 1600s. They could be smiths, preachers, merchants, or farmers. There were few other options.

Who were the leaders of New Jersey in the 1600s?

thomas edison rule the north eastern sate of new jersey and made a light bulb

What are 1600s New Jersey resources?

In the 1600s, one of New Jersey's most important natural resources was its large amount of excellent farmland. Other important natural resources at that time were iron ore and the timber from the plentiful forests. Furs and coal were also abundant.

How was virgina plan and New Jersey plan alike?

you smell

Who was the first governor of the colony of New Jersey?

It is said that the 1st governor in New Jersey colony in the 1600s to 1700s was Andrew Hamilton. He 1st became governor of East Jersey in 1687. Later on, he became governor of also West Jersey in 1692.

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Name the middle colonies where were they located?

If I remember correctly the states where the "breadbasket colony" are located is New York, Pennsylvania, and New Jersey. I hope this helps you! >_<