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Q: What did Odysseus tell Penelope before he left on his journey?
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In The Odyssey Odysseus left Penelope bound for what city?

Odysseus left Penelope bound for Troy.

What did Penelope promise Odysseus when he left for the Trojan war?


Odysseus left Penelope bound for what city?


What is odysseus' age when he leaves for troy?

When Odysseus left for Troy he was newly wed to Penelope and was in his mid 20's.

Where was Odysseus home in The Odyssey?

Ithaca. He was the king there, and when he left on his odyssey he left behind his son and wife (Penelope).

What is Odysseus's hometown?

His hometown is Itaca, Greece, where he left his wife Penelope, and his son, Telemachus.

What is Odysseus hometown?

His hometown is Itaca, Greece, where he left his wife Penelope, and his son, Telemachus.

What happened the day Odysseus left home?

The day Odysseus was called into battle, his wife Penelope just gave birth to their first and only son Telemachus.

How many ships did Odysseus have when he left Troy?

Odysseus left Troy with 12 ships, all of which were destroyed in the course of his 10-year journey to his home in Ithaca.

How old was Odysseus when he died?

He was 18 when Odysseus married Penelope. He was in his 24 when he left for the Trojan War. It took him 20 years to get back home, and he lived for another 10 years before his youngest son, Telegonus, son of Circe, kills Odysseus without knowing who his father was. So in total, Odysseus was 54 years old.

Is Odysseus married?

Yes, he's married to Penelope. Odysseus and Penelope have a son, Telemachus. Odysseus tells Penelope, "You must promise me, if I don't come back by the time Telemachus has a beard, you must marry." Penelope promises. Odysseus, still alive after 20 years, comes back to Ithaca to find suitors (men who are trying to marry Penelope) all over his home. Penelope knew he was still alive after 20 years, but people kept telling her he was dead. Suitors are very mean. Athena discuises Odysseus as an old beggar, and he, and telemachus go to their house. Penelope doesn't know it's odyssus. she tells Odysseus (the "beggar") that he still loves Odysseus and promised that she'd marry when telemachus had a beard. he had a beard now. so she held a contest to pick a husband. the contest was to string Odysseus's box & shoot an arrow through 12 ax handles. all the suitors failed to string the bow. Odysseus, the beggar, strung the box, and shot it through the 12 ax handles. he, and telemachus, killed the suitors. Athena turned Odysseus back into his old self after he killed the suitors. Penelope didn't know if it was really Odysseus, so she told the maids to remove their bed from their tree & into another room. Odysseus got mad, since right after he left for troy, he built their house & bed around a tree. Their bed was basically their symbol. Penelope then realized it was really Odysseus. Penelope & Odysseus were then reunited with each other again. Hope I helped! (:

What must Odysseus do after he arrives home from his 20 year journey?

Odysseus returns to the island of Ithaca to hear that his house was plagued with many suitors, demanding Penelope in marriage. Therefore, he disguises himself as a beggar, and enters the estate. He enters the hut of the swineherd, Eumaeus, one of the few honest servants left on his kingdom. He still has no idea who Odysseus is, and meanwhile Telemachus approaches. He, Odysseus' son, has been gone from Ithaca for a year, and came back when Athena warned him about the suitors. When they meet, Telemachus too has no idea who Odysseus is. When Athena reveals his identity, Telemachus and Odysseus weep and embrace each other. After that, Telemachus, the swineherd and Odysseus meet Penelope, who embraces Telemachus Odysseus' old dog is the only one in the hall who recognizes him, and Penelope, after hearing the beggar has news about Odysseus, wants to learn more. During a late night chat between the two, Penelope orders Eurycleia to wash Odysseus' feet-a sign of respect-for the beggar had brought news that Odysseus was coming home now. However, Eurycleia recognizes Odysseus, and he quickly swears her to secrecy. The next day, Penelope decides to test the suitors by handing them Odysseus' massive bow. Many try to string it, but not a single one can't. While this progresses, Odysseus has sneaked out and followed the swineherd and the cowherd. When he reveals his identity, both men embrace him, but he quickly tells him a plan he had thought of. Odysseus enters the hall where the suitors are being attempted. The suitors complain, but Penelope allows him to test himself (Penelope still does not know his identity). The swineherd and cowherd removed Penelope and the maids from the hall, and previously Telemachus stripped the room of arms. For brevity, all four of them slay the suitors and kill the unfaithful servants. After that, Odysseus' identity is revealed Penelope. Suspecting a trick, she decides to test Odysseus. I tried to be as concise as possible, I hope you got the important facts over this.