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Q: What did President Jackson reform the government with to fill government positions?
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How did president Jackson plan to reform the government?

Spoils system

What measures did president hayes take to reform government?

There was much corruption in the federal government by the time President Hayes took office. He was able to get the Civil Service Reform Act passed. This helped with the hiring of qualified people to government positions rather than relatives and friends which was the the norm before.

How did President Jackson plan to reform the governmebnt?

Spoils System .

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President Nixon's attempt to reform the federal government by putting more responsibility on the local and state governments. He also proposed more limited health insurance reform.

How the civil service system was reformed after the assassination of President Garfield?

The Pendleton Civil Service Reform Act was passed soon after the death of Garfield. This act established the civil service system as a reform for the old political patronage system that had been used to fill government positions.

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Because he is not a true American?

How did President Jackson reform the government?

Andrew Jackson started by replacing many government officials with his supporters.It known as spoils system. He kept a watchful eye over government expenditures and congressional appropriations.His spending controls along with increased revenue enabled him to pay off the national debt in 1835 and keep the nation debt free for the remainder of his term. Also known as Spoils system

The Pendleton Civil Service act 1883 attempted to reform what system?

The Pendleton Civil Service Act attempted to reform the spoils system, which was the act by the President to reward his followers with government jobs. The spoils system worked in all levels and branches of the government. Wherever there is an elected official with the power to choose employees for positions, there is a spoils system. The federal government is the country's biggest employer, and elections are fought mainly to win those positions to distribute to the member of the ruling party. The Pendleton Civil Service Act of 1883 made a few restraints from open patronage jobs for contributions to the party. This still continues in the upper positions like the ambassadorships.

What president wilsons social and economic reforms?

President Wilson's reforms were the Tariff Reform, Business Reform, and the Banking Reform.

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Whose assassination led to the Civil Service Reform Act of 1883?

The assassination of President James A. Garfield led to the passing of the Civil Service Reform Act of 1883. Garfield's assassin, Charles J. Guiteau, was motivated by his belief that he deserved a political appointment. This event highlighted the need for civil service reform, leading to the establishment of a merit-based system that aimed to reduce political patronage and corruption in government positions.

What idea did President Wilson advocate?

President Wilson contributed greatly to political science. President Wilson's ideas consisted of the tariff reform, the business reform, and the banking reform.