

What did Robert Hooke use to find cell?

Updated: 8/28/2022
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9y ago

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Robert Hooke used a compound light microscope to find cells. He found cells looking at cork and thought that they looked like cells.

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Lesly Jaskolski

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Q: What did Robert Hooke use to find cell?
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Who was the first scietist to use cell word?

Who was the first scientist to use the word cell : the first scientist is ROBERT HOOKE,, and he find it on 1663.

Was Robert Hooke the first person to use the word cell in relation to biology?

Yes, Robert Hooke coined the term "cell" in biology when he observed plant cells using a microscope in 1665. His discovery revolutionized our understanding of living organisms and laid the foundation for the field of cell biology.

Who was the first person to use the word 'cells'?

The first person to use the word "cells" in a biological context was Robert Hooke in the 17th century. He used the term to describe the small compartments he observed in a slice of cork under a microscope, likening them to the cells in a monastery.

When did Robert Hooke first use the word cell?

In 1663, Hooke observed the structure of a thin slice of cork using a compound microscope he had built himself. Cork, the bark of an oak tree, is made up of cells that are no longer alive. To Hooke, the cork looked like it was made up of tiny rectangular rooms, which he called cells.

Was Robert Hooke the first person to look at a cell under a microscope?

Yes, and he was the person to suggest the use of the term "cell" for those objects.

Who was the First to see living cells?

Robert Hooke

Why did Robert Hooke use the word cell when he looked at cork through the microscope?

Robert Hooke used the word cell when he looked at cork through the microscope because he probably thought of prison cells (prison cells are all squashed together like cells/cell particles of the cork).

What was the full name of the scientist who first used the word cell?

Robert Hooke was the first to use the name cell he was also the first scientist to find and discover cells heh i live up to my username :D

How did Robert Hooke use a microscope?

Microscope was first invented by Anton Van Leeuvenhoek. This invention of him is used by Robert Hooke on his study which soon led to the further learning of cell Robert Hooke first viewed a cork or a old bark of a tree. There he noticed that it looks honeycombs that's why he called it cells because it looks as his monastery. His observation led to the study of cell LaDy_caRoLi "Christine carren alcantara"

What did Robert Hooke use to view cells?

Robert Hooke first viewed cells with a microscope. He began calling them cells because they resembled the cells in which monks lived and worked.

What kind of microscope did Robert Hooke use?

Robert Hooke built the compound microscope. this microscope was made out of more that one lens

Who is the first scientist to use the term cell to refer to the building blocks of life?

everyone was they all said it at the same time