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Q: What did Sam Brannan sell to get rich?
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Is sam brannan a girl or a boy from the gold rush?

Male. His real name is Samuel Brannan.

Who started the gold rush?

Sam Brannan

Why did Samuel Brannan come to California?

Samuel brannan came to California to pan for gold and to be rich

Why did sam brannan publish a special edition of his paper about the gold rush to send east?

Why did sam brannan publish a special edition of his paper to send to the east

Why did Sam Brannan run through the streets of San Franciso with a bottle of gold dust?

Sam Brennan ran through the streets of SF because he wanted to create excitement and sell his tools.

Who was Sam Brannan?

Sam Brannan arrived in California in 1846, opening a general store in San Francisco. When gold was discovered in 1848, Brannan was one of the first to find out. He bought every shovel, pan and pickaxe he could find, creating a monopoly over those supplies in California. He then publicized the find in San Francisco.Every miner had to stop at Brannan's store to stock up on supplies. Before long, Sam Brannan was the first millionaire west of the Mississippi.

What are famous entrepreneurs of the California gold rush?

John Sutter, James W. Marshall and Samuel Brannan

Who spread the news of gold found in Sutter's Mill?

Sam Brannan

Why did sam brannan run through the street of san francisco with a bottle of gold dust?

Sam Brann

When did Sam Brannan find gold?

He didn't find it, he bought a bottle of fake gold dust at the store, just to create excitement, (in order to sell his tools he needed to create excitement.

How rich sam matekane mgc lesotho?

he used to sell animal skins

Who made the most money in the 1849 California gold rush and how much?

Sam Brannan