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Plant, fertilize, interpretor for trade

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2d ago

Squanto taught the Pilgrims how to cultivate maize (corn), how to fertilize the soil with fish for better crop yields, and how to survive in the harsh New England environment by hunting, fishing, and foraging.

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Q: What did Squanto taught the Pilgrims?
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How did the pilgrims feel about Squanto?

The Pilgrims felt grateful and indebted to Squanto, as he taught them how to cultivate and grow crops in the New World. Squanto's guidance helped the Pilgrims survive and thrive in their new environment.

Who was Squanto How did he help the Pilgrims?

Squanto was a Native American who helped the Pilgrims in Plymouth, Massachusetts. He taught them how to cultivate corn, fish, and hunt, which helped the Pilgrims survive their first winter in the New World. Squanto also acted as a translator between the Pilgrims and local Native American tribes, fostering peace and trade between the groups.

Why was Squanto so valuable to the pilgrims?

Squanto was valuable to the Pilgrims because he acted as an interpreter and mediator between them and the Native American tribes, helping to establish peaceful relations. He also taught the Pilgrims essential survival skills, such as planting corn and utilizing the land.

What did both Samoset and Squanto accomplish and the effects of their actions on the Pilgrims?

Samoset, an Abenaki leader, introduced himself to the Pilgrims in English and helped establish peaceful relations between the Pilgrims and Native Americans. Squanto, a Patuxet man, taught the Pilgrims how to plant crops and fish, which helped them survive in the new land. Their actions were crucial in building alliances and fostering cooperation between the Pilgrims and the Native Americans, leading to mutual aid and survival.

How did Squanto interpret for the Pilgrims and Massasoit?

Squanto was able to interpret for the Pilgrims and Massasoit because he had been captured and taken to Europe, where he learned English. He acted as a mediator between the Pilgrims and the Native Americans, helping to establish peace and facilitate trade between the two groups.