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Thomas Aquinas lived hundreds of years before organ transplants and donations came into use. He would have known nothing about them.

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Q: What did St. Thomas Aquinas say about organ donation?
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What did Thomas Aquinas say about creationism?

Thomas Aquinas believed that creationism, the belief that God directly created the world and all its inhabitants, was compatible with reason. He argued that the existence of a creator was necessary to explain the order and design in the universe, and considered the idea of divine creation to be a fundamental aspect of Christian theology. Aquinas's philosophy stressed the importance of both faith and reason in understanding the world.

What in your own words was Thomas Aquinas' argument for the existence of god?

here be me thomas aquinas own argument to say that god is real i can prove bye the holy spirit

What does the bible say about organ donation?

The bible says nothing about organ donation directly, but if you take commandments like "love thy neighbor as thyself", it could refer to giving up your organ so someone else can live. Some people believe organ donation is wrong because it defiles the sanctity of the human body.

Did Aquinas say our hearts is restless until it rest in you?

No, this quote is actually attributed to Saint Augustine in his famous work "Confessions".

What is the educational attainment of St Thomas Aquinas?

As St. Thomas lived during the 13th century, you could say that he received the equivalent of a doctorate under St. Anselm the Great.

What is the St Thomas Aquinas Novena?

The St. Thomas Aquinas Novena is a nine-day prayer dedicated to seeking the intercession of St. Thomas Aquinas, a Catholic philosopher and theologian. It involves praying specific prayers or meditations each day for nine consecutive days in order to ask for his guidance, wisdom, and protection. This novena is often said by students, scholars, and those seeking clarity of thought.

How do you increase the number of organs available for organ transplants?

You publically advertise the need for more donors (which does have an affect, but only for a few months after the campaign). Making organ donation more socially acceptable generally helps. Or you change the system of organ donation from being "opt-in" (i.e you have to say that you wish to be an organ donor) to "opt-out" (you have to say that you do not wish to be an organ donor, otherwise it is assumed that you do wish to be an organ donor). The possibility of 'paying' people for their organs (or covering the cost of their funeral) may boost numbers organ donors, however this also creates ethical and moral issues (not to mention legal issues). Livers can be "split" into two pieces, for use in two people (if required).

What is the English of abuloy?

I would say gift or donation. If you want to be more specific, I would say monetary gifts or cash donation.

Who in the 1200s wrote Summa Theologica and what did it say?

Summa Theologica was written by Thomas Aquinas in the 1200s. It was a comprehensive work that covered various aspects of Christian theology and philosophy, using reason to explore the nature of God, ethics, and the relationship between faith and reason.

What is knowledge according to St. Thomas Aquinas?

According to St. Thomas Aquinas, knowledge is the mental grasp of truth. It involves understanding the essence or nature of things, which allows one to distinguish between what is real and what is not. Knowledge is acquired through the use of reason and intellect to comprehend the world around us.

Who has the final authority over an organ donation?

You do, cause it's you're body. If you're dead, it may say you're an organ donor on your license or something. However, if you gave no prior consent, either your parents (if single) or your spouse give the final authority.