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Depending on the crime and the person involved, some were shot; some imprisoned; some exiled within the country and some exiled out of the country. Many suffered all four types of sentences.

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Q: What did Stalin do to those that were found guilty in court?
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Why are the Supremes court opinions in cases as important as its decisions in those cases?

Well the opinions of the supreme court are really important. They can tell if your guilty or not.

If someone is found guilty then goes to an appeals court and is still found guilty can they question the original sentence?

It depends on what grounds the first appeal was filed. If you feel strongly about your position you should appeal the Appeals Court ruling to your state Supreme Court. Otherwise, you could try for a second appeal based on the harshness of the sentence. They would either decline to hear itl. or the might possibly grant you a new hearing based on those specific grounds.

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The Sea Diamond sank in 2007. Nine of its officers have been found guilty as a result. The longest sentence that will be served is by the Captain. He was sentenced to 12 years and 2 months.

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If you want to pay it and move on, plead guilty. If you want to have a trial, plead not guilty... However be warned,that in almost 97% of the trials for seat belt violations you will be found guilty... The 3% of those found not guilty,are due to other reasons such as the officer not being able to appear in court and testify against you(most common)... People who are so severely over weight that the seat belt is not long enough to connect across them,People who have a medical exzemption by a licensed doctor stating that the use of seat-belt will impede their ability to drive(rare).

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The Congress is the branch that conducts impeachment hearings. Those who are found guilty are relieved of any public responsibilities and removed from office.

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Clause 6

Why was Orestes not guilty?

It was found that he was not of his mother's blood. I guess in those times you were only tried if you killed your kin or blood relative.

How is crime effected in an renaissance period?

Crime was affected in the the renaissance period due to the harsh penalties meted on those found guilty.

What branch conducts impeachments?

The Congress is the branch that conducts impeachment hearings. Those who are found guilty are relieved of any public responsibilities and removed from office.

How was a person found guilty during the Salem witch trials?

They were tried in court by a panel of judges who were also the jury. The accusers and afflicted pleaded their case against them and they did their best to defend themselves. All the aquittals occured because the judges didn't buy into the accusations anymore.

Are the results of Maryland court cases enforceable on Tennessee residents?

That depends on exactly what you mean. If the court case is specifically about a particular person, then yes. States are generally required to give "full faith and credit" to the judgments of other states, and usually do so... it's a pretty big deal when one doesn't, and generally reflects some kind of values dissonance between the two states (this might happen, for instance, if the government of one state believes a particular person was found guilty in another state solely because of his race or something). If the court case was in general terms, then not necessarily. To pick an example: suppose that a Maryland court found that a person (not the Tennessee resident specifically) was guilty of some crime. That would not obligate a Tennessee court to find that the Tennessee resident, who did the same thing, was also guilty of a crime.... they have the right to do so, or not; the Maryland case establishes precedent, but it's not a binding precedent. The only decisions that are binding precedent on all US courts are those made by the US Supreme Court.