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Q: What did The Development Of The Scientific Method Cause Many Europeans To Abandon?
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Was the Scientific Method used in Medieval Europe?

There was really no Scientific method used as we do now in Science, and the Europeans were mostly influenced by the Arabs who used a system similar to our scientific method used today.

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Who invented the scientific metod?

different Scientists contributed in development of scientific method .

Is theory development always part of the scientific method?

It is fair to say that the scientific method is always intended to produce better theories.

How did the scientific revolution change the way europeans looked at the world?

One way that science changed during the scientific revolution was to cause people to question their scientific beliefs. They were curious, they wanted to know more about the world that they lived in. The scientific method was important during this time.

How did Galileo's methodology contribute to the development of physics related to the scientific method to the methodology?

he was good

How did the Europeans try to apply the scientific method to society?

During the Enlightenment, a group of French philosophers such as Voltaire and Diderot, tried to apply the scientific method to society. They believed that it would cure societal problems. The nature of imprisonment was changed on the basis of scientific means.

Which important event occurred during the Industrial and scientific revolutions?

Another Answer: The Development of new methods of anesthesia

Created the scientific method?

I think it might have been Robert Grosseteste (1175-1253), Bishop of Lincoln. I'm researching him.. and it says he is "the real founder of the tradition of scientific thought in mediæval Oxford." And is best known as an original thinker for his work concerning what would today be called science or the scientific method. hope that helps

What is the significance of scientific method?

what is the significance of scientific method?what is the significance of scientific method?

How do you spell scientific method?

Answer :Scientific Method

What does the scientific mathod mean?

Scientific method is a systematic approach to problem solving.