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Q: What did Uranus do to the Cyclopses and the Hundred-handers?
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Who were the children of Uranus and Gaia?

Pontus, the Ourea, the Titans, Hectatonshires, and cyclopses

Who is the Son of Gaea and Uranus?

They made the Titans (Cronus, Oceanus etc),three Hecatonchires, Cyclopses and Echidna the mother of all monsters.

What did the ancient Greeks believe about the origins of the gods and the universe?

In the beginning, there was Uranus, the sky, and Gaia(Mother Earth). They gave birth to the Titans, and the original Cyclopses. The Titan Kronos begat the first Olympian dieties.

Why don't the other Cyclopses help Polyphemus after Odysseus gouges out his eye?

The other Cyclopses did not help Polyphemus because they were not aware of the situation. Odysseus and his men blinded Polyphemus while he was alone in his cave, and there was no opportunity for the other Cyclopses to intervene. Additionally, Cyclopses are known to be solitary creatures, so they may not have had a strong sense of community or loyalty towards Polyphemus.

What were the powers of the cyclopses?

They worked in the smithy of Hephaestus.

Who does Polyphemus live with?

He lives with other cyclopses.

What did the cyclopses make for hades?

The cyclopes made hades his helm of darkness.

Who were the Giants the pelted rocks down on the ships of Odysseus expedition?

They were cyclopses.

What took place on the island of Ismarus in the Odyssey?

Odysseus was ransacked by Giants and Cyclopses.

What was the purpose of Odysseus providing the cyclops the name that he did?

When the other cyclopses came to see why he was yelling he told them that NOBODY was hurting him, meaning the person he thought to be called Nobody but the other cyclopses thought he meant it in the sense we use it as nobody meaning no-one.

Did Zeus ever get overthrown?

there was an attempt by posidon and hera but he had help from the cyclopses and became a ruler again

Where do the cyclops supposedly live?

In the underworld or maybe here in Asia----------------------the island of the Cyclopses was probably Sicily.