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Jay's Treaty

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Q: What did Washington send john jay to Britain to negotiate for?
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Why did Washington pass the neutrality proclamation and send john jay to England?

to maintain trade with the british.

Who did the us send to France to negotiate an alliance?

Benjamin Franklin

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To negotiate a commercial treaty

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Henry Stimson

How do I negotiate for unclaimed money?

Why should you have to negotiate if it is your money. Most credible sites will send you the funds if you are entitled to it. Most government sites will send it to you if you are able to prove it. Some other sites will charge you a flat rate depending of the size of the check.

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Polk sent former Congressman and lawyer, John Slidell to Mexico to try to negotiate a settlement to the territorial disputes that eventually led to the Mexican War.

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You do not need to send the state one. You will need to take the federal one and send that in to Washington D.C.

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Nicholas Trist, and General Zachary Taylor.

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