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i thing 100 dollars

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Q: What did a grand piano cost in 1900?
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What was a cost of a grand piano in the 1930?

Surprisingly, the cost of a Grand Piano in the 1930'S was about a grand ($1,000.00).

What is a Grand Prix Paris 1900 grand prize St. Louis 1904 Baldwin piano worth?

baldwin baby grand grand prix paris 1900 and grand prize st louis 1904 what is the value

Is there such a thing as an upright grand piano?

Upright pianos were called cabinet grand pianos in the early 1900's

How can you find the age a Muhlbach Grand Piano serial number 8520?


What is the age of piano 41790 kimball baby grand?

If you have not made a typographical error in the serial number, the piano was made before 1900.

What was a cost of a grand piano in the 1930s?

the first piano cost $400.00. It was made by Bartolomeo Cristofori in Florence, Italy. Bartolomeo was born May 4th 1655 and died January 27 1731 The adverage price for the piano today is about $2000.00 This information came from a 6th grader. :)

What is the average cost of a Steinway grand piano?

The average cost for a Steinway grand piano varys depending on what model and condition you purchase one in. A pre-owned piano can cost anything from å£20-å£50.

What would be the value of a normandie New York cabinet grand piano circa 1900?

$150 at a thrift store

Is there an upright piano that has sound as good as a grand piano?

No, nothing can compare to a grand piano.

How much did a piano cost in 1934?

A used baby grand piano went for $100 in 1934. It was rebuilt and restrung and had an offer for $30,000 in 1975.

How much do piano concerts cost?

Grand pianos can cost from 7,000 to 20,000$. Concert pianos can range from 20,000 to upwards of 100,000$.

Are grand and bosendorfer piano different?

Yes they are. Bosendorfer piano has 97notes while grand piano has 88notes.