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Every word he ever uttered.

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Q: What did albert Einstein say before he died?
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What city did Albert Einstein live in?

Well he died in Princeton, that is all I can say

What did Albert Einstein say when he discovered electricity?

Ben Franklin discovered electricity. Not Albert Einstein.

What did Albert Einstein say is the fourth dimension?

Albert Einstein said that time is the fourth dimension.

Who is more famous albert Einstein or Lady Gaga?

Lady GagaI would say Lady Gaga but Albert Einstein is much more important.

Why did Albert Einstein commit suicide?

it is believed that Albert Einstein went crazy with the vass amount of knowledge he held in his brain. The human brain can only handle so much. If the brain obtains too much then the brain would just collapse not able to take in the amount of pressure and knowledge. It is said that Albert Einstein had gone mad because of how much he knew. As said before the human brain can only handle so much. He had wild hallucinations and could not handle reality. He was slowly losing grip on reality. Some stories say that Albert Einstein's wife had died and this drove the already mad Albert to kill himself. Some say that is the story, others say he died of internal bleeding, some say what they want. But to the greatest fact of knowledge I seek i believe that Albert Einstein was a great man. Yes, he was a mad genious but in my eyes he was just a man that had too much too handle. That was Albert Einstein. signed, an 11 year old

Who did Albert Einstein say was the most interesting person to him?


What did Albert Einstein say in his speech in February 1931?


Did Albert Einstein ever say chicken wings?

no he did not, stephanie you are a compulsive liar. xoxox -albert. in the flesh

Can you say a smart sentence?

Albert Einstein did not invent the light bulb.

Who is the world's best mathematician?

No idea. But I'd say Albert Einstein was

How wealthy was Albert Einstein at his death?

I would say 10.000.000 dollars

Who was a great person?

People have different opinions about this question, for example if it was for mathematics i would say albert einstein, for physics Isaac Newton. My personal opinion is Albert Einstein.