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Q: What did ancient seafarers used the ocean primarily for?
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How did ancient seafarers communicate out at sea?

Ancient seafarers used flags that were waved between ships to communicate.

Which people used Latin?

Primarily, the people of Ancient Rome.

What is the st Lawrence river primarily used for?

It is used to link the great lakes to the Atlantic ocean

What type of transportation was used in ancient Zimbabwe?

they used to ride ancient mogwai, which is an extinct species of ocean water fowel that grew to a large size.

Is cuneiform still used today?

No, cuneiform is an ancient system of writing that was primarily used by the ancient civilizations of Mesopotamia. It is no longer in use today but is studied by scholars for historical and linguistic purposes.

How can Glossopteris an ancient plant and Mesosaurus an ancient reptile be used as evidence for continental drift?

it can be used as evidence because they are old and moved from one place to another by the power of the ocean.

How did the Ancient Egyptians use canals?

Canals in ancient Egypt were primarily used for irrigation.

What is cuneiform used for?

For language

Why Is Coal Found Underground?

Because this land used to be an ocean and the coal is found under ancient oceans.

When was the fathom invented?

The fathom, a unit of length typically used to measure the depth of bodies of water, was in use since at least the 5th century in Europe. It is believed to have been developed by seafarers to estimate the depth of the ocean for navigation.

Who used cuneiform writing?

Cuneiform writing was used by several ancient civilizations in the Near East, including the Sumerians, Babylonians, Assyrians, and Persians. It was one of the earliest systems of writing and was primarily used for administrative and record-keeping purposes.

What is cuneiform used for today?

Cuneiform is primarily used today in academia for deciphering ancient texts and studying ancient civilizations like the Mesopotamians. It is no longer used as a writing system for everyday communication or documentation since other writing systems have since replaced it.