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She explained how his family is less fortunate than theirs is and how they don't have as much in life as some others may have. In the end of their talk, Calpurnia slaps Scout.

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Cal slapped Scout when she embarrassed Walter because he didn't want her to undermine Walter Cunningham's dignity by making him feel ashamed for not being able to pay for lunch at the Finch house.

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Q: What did cal do to scout when she embarrassed Walter?
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Why did scout rub Walter cunninghams nose in the dirt?

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Scout Finch beat up Walter Cunningham Jr. on the first day of school. She fought him because her teacher, Miss Caroline Fisher, criticized and embarrassed Walter for not having lunch money. Scout felt the need to defend him.

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beacues she is drassedlike a ham

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How did Scout feel about Walter Cunningham?

Scout feels Walter is of a lower social class than she is. She mistreats him because he is poorer than she is. Scout fells that Walter is unequal to her. also she questions on why she rubbed his nose in the dirt. Scout feels Walter is of a lower social class than she is. She mistreats him because he is poorer than she is. Scout fells that Walter is unequal to her. also she questions on why she rubbed his nose in the dirt.

Why did Scout beat up Walter Cunningham?

Because she got in trouble for exposing why Walter didn't wanna take ms.Caroline's money

What is aunt Alexandra response to scout's desire to invite Walter home?

Mrs.Wonderland became to a reponse of the aunt to the scout in the walter home

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In To Kill a Mockingbird why does Miss Caroline hit Scout with the ruler?

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