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They weren't hunters, they were only gatherers. Fruits, root plants, and wild rice.

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Q: What did cavemen hunt in Asia?
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Who was first to deer hunt?

probably cavemen.

Did cavemen hunt at night or day?

Daytime only as humans are ill-adapted to hunt at night.

Did cavemen hunt cows?

No, crows hadn't evolved in the time of Cavemen. But they may have hunted other kinds of birds such as prehistoric brees.

What kind of clothing did cavemen wore?

they wore the skins of the animals that they hunt

What did cavemen use to hunt with?

Cavemen used wood for fire to keep themselves and others warm. They also widdled the wood to make weapons.

Did cavemen hunt leopards?

No. Humans and dinosaurs never met. The dinosaurs died out 65 million years ago. The human race is only around 40,000 years old.

Did cavemen eat dinosaurs?

No. Cavemen and dinosaurs never co-existed meaning they didn't work together. They lived at different times, dinosaurs then cavemen. If they did, the carnivore dinosaurs would of eaten the cavemen and of those that are herbivores, they could be trampled to death.

How did cavemen hunt their food?

stones,they used sticks to sharpen them,sticks and actually used the spine of a animal to use as a spear

What were the stone age politics?

Hunt, sleep, survive, have children. Cavemen had very poor politics. They did have spiritual beliefs like animism.

Where do cave men come from?

Cavemen came from west Africa but then started to spread to Europe ,Asia, and other parts of Africa.

Where do humans store food?

For the most part they didn't. They needed to hunt, or gather, food nearly every day.

Is cavemen and people is alike?

Neanderthals were a species of cavemen, yes.