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Q: What did cavewomen do to attract the attention of cavemen?
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Did cavemen live on Earth when the big bang happened?

There was no matter or energy prior to the Big Bang creation event. Consequently, there was no Earth and there were no cavemen (or cavewomen).

How did the domestication of animals start?

Dogs came from the wolf, which was tamed more than likely by cavemen and cavewomen. They were said to feed off of the scrapes left by early humans. They began to protect their food source, which was the cavemen and cavewomen trash piles. This gave us humans the idea for training wolves guarding and protecting. They then began to breed specificlly, therefore creating breeds.

What was cavewomen job?

What did cave women have for jobs

What are good names for cavewomen?

Ika or Helga

Who does Mercutio praise in attempt to attract Romeo's attention?

Mercutio praises Rosaline in an attempt to attract Romeo's attention. He mocks love and tries to get Romeo to forget about his love for Rosaline by teasing him.

Opposite of attract attention?

being another face in the crowd OR To deter attention. To blend in. To repel attention.

a door fitting which makes a noise to attract the attention of someone inside?

a door fitting which makes a noise to attract the attention of someone inside is a peephole

What is another color that attract attention then any other color?

red attracted attention,

How and why do actors attract audiences?

Actors attract audiences because they're famous and people who are famous always attract a lot of attention

What does our body do when we're too hot?

attract attention.

What job does a barker do?

They attract attention by calling out to passers-by.