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He wanted Germany to pay for the cost of the damage.

• He wanted revenge on Germany for all the suffering.

• He wanted revenge for the defeat in the war of 1870-71 and the loss of Alsace-Lorraine.

• He wanted to ensure Germany could not attack France again by taking land and weakening industry, reducing her armed forces.

• He wanted to split Germany into a number of small states. If not Germany should lose the Rhineland, Saarland, Upper Silesia, Danzig and East Prussia.

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Q: What did clemenceau wanted to achieve at the peace settlement of 1919-1920?
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What did Georges clemenceau want to achieve?

His aim was to literally crush Germany to pieces. He wanted to punish them harshly because of all the damage they had caused. He wanted Germany to be split up in to smaller countries. He wanted to make sure that Germany wouldn't do anything alike in the future, he also wanted the German Frontier to be pushed back to the Rhineland (Although it was rejected), giving France a lot more land. He was with the French public and supported the severe punishment of Germany...

Why Clemenceau wanted to punish Germany at the Paris peace conference?

He was not happy with the amount of money and lives spent in the war by France, as well as the land made unusable by the fighting.

What did the plotters want to achieve?

They wanted to kill James 1 becauses they thought he would help the catholics but he didnt.

How satisfied were the big 3 with the treaty of the Versailles?

Clemenceau wanted more revenge on Germany and therefore wanted a harsher treaty. Wilson got his league of nations but was annoyed at the fact that some countries lost their national self determination,plus he didnt get all of his fourteen points. Davis Lloyd George was fairly satisfied - Britain gained colonies and germany lost their battle ships and airforce, so they couldn't invade britain. But the british people still wanted more revenge, on Germany, so overall i dont think any of them were completely satisfied.

Robert de la salle's impact on American history?

He was sent on an expedition to thr Mississippi River in the 1680s.

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What did georges clemenceau want to achieve at the Paris peace conference?

He wanted to sign the Treaty of Versailles.

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Who wanted Germany weakened at the Paris peace conference?

Georges Clemenceau

What did Wilson hope to achieve from the peace settlement of 1919-1920?

Fourteen Points!

Which allied leader wanted to heavily weaken germany at the paris peace conference?

Georges Clemenceau

How did the goals of George Clemenceau and Woodrow Wilson differ?

Woodrow Wilson & George Clemenceau differed because they both had different goals. George Clemenceau wanted Germany to pay them back and for France to get them back. While Woodrow Wilson jest wanted to let France have some land and maybe some money so they could repair all the damage Germany had caused in WW1.

What were clemenceau's motives at Paris peace conference?

Clemenceau's motive was to cripple Germany for invading France twice (in 1870 and ww1) and for causing devastation and economical collapse on France and its industries. He was also the most harsh one out of the big three and wouldn't settle until Germany was punished and made to pay for what they had done

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They did everything they could do to achieve what they wanted and look know they can vote

What countrys wanted revenge during World War 2?

Georges Clemenceau wanted revenge. He wanted to be sure that Germany ... Hitler also made two important alliances during 1936. Your Welcommmeee !!!! glad too help

What did each leader hope to achieve at the Versailles Peace conference?

clemenceau wanted to cripple germany because of all they had done to france in the past. wilson wanted to create peace within europe and establish a league of nations. lloyd-george wanted to punish germany to please the british public, but didn't want to cripple them because he still wanted the british trade with germany to continue and didn't want germany to seek revenge and start another war.

What did Georges clemenceau want to achieve?

His aim was to literally crush Germany to pieces. He wanted to punish them harshly because of all the damage they had caused. He wanted Germany to be split up in to smaller countries. He wanted to make sure that Germany wouldn't do anything alike in the future, he also wanted the German Frontier to be pushed back to the Rhineland (Although it was rejected), giving France a lot more land. He was with the French public and supported the severe punishment of Germany...

What did George Clemenceau want from the Treaty?

he wanted Germany to pay for the great damage of France, Germany destroyed over half of Frances population. Clemenseau wanted to warm & scare Germany into not invading France again. He wanted the Rhineland cleared of German soldiers so that the remaining people of France can be safer & have more freedom than before the war.