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Q: What did eisenhower say would happen to the other countries of southeast Asia if the communists took south Vietnam?
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What was the original intent the war in Vietnam?

The United States entered the Vietnam conflict to prevent Southeast Asian countries from falling to the Communists.

What countries did Eisenhower meddle with during his administration?

Vietnam and Korea.

What is the Domino theort?

The Domino Theory as applied to Vietnam and Southeast Asia in the 1960's was: If one country fell to the Communists, all countries in the region would eventually fall to the Communists, similar to a row of Dominoes, where one is knocked over and starts a chain reaction. In 1975 the theory became a fact, when South Vietnam, Cambodia, and Laos did fall to the Communists, but, no other country in the region did.

What four countries in Asia are communists?

China, North Korea, Laos, and Vietnam.

Why did President Eisenhower authorize American Advisers?

The communists had been supporting the Viet Minh (based in North Vietnam) against the French. We had to support the south against the northern supported communists.

What would happen to southeast Asia if the communists took south Vietnam?

Like dominoes the entire region would fall.

Why did the US try to limit North Vietnam's power after it won its independence from France?

North Vietnam was controlled by communists.

What countries in Southeast Asia became communist after 1965?

Vietnam, Laos, Cambodia

What countries does indochina stand for?

the countries in southeast asia. Thailand, vietnam, cambodia, laos, myanmar, and malaysia.

America's primary political objective in south Vietnam?

To stop communists from taking over South Vietnam and expanding to other Asian countries.

Why did Eisenhower put the United States on a path to the Vietnam War?

Eisenhower had just finished with the Korean War in 1953, and the U.S. had materially supported the French in the Pacific theater. (Viet Nam was once a French colony.) The French were having difficulty in Viet Nam because their enemy, the Viet Minh, were being supported by the Chinese Communists. When the French withdrew in 1954, Eisenhower's administration supported the free Republic of South Vietnam, while the Communists supported the North. He then sent U.S. advisers to South Vietnam in 1955.

What countries in east and southeast Asia are communist?

there are a lot of countries in Asia mostly small one such as hitocuchii and trapinasia and chinni.