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Q: What did europeans offer africans in the slave trade?
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Who were the main people involved in the slave trade?

Europeans and Africans

Who were the winners and who were the losers in the slave trade in Europe?

The Europeans benefited from the slave trade more so than the Africans. Europeans traded mainly weapons to Africans, in which they sold their own people as slaves.

How did Europeans contact with the Africans affected the Africans?

The European contact with Africans affected the Africans mainly by the slave trade. The economy was greatly affected.

How did Europeans acquire African captives for the slave trade?

They usually bought them from other Africans.

How did the Atlantic slave trade shape lives and economies of africans and europeans?

slave are transported to the amercian and sold for colonial goods.

How did Europeans usually acquire captives for the slave trade?

European slavers did not capture the Africans they transported themselves, but bought them from native slave traders.

Was kidnapping the Africans in the slave trade easy?

Yes. The Europeans just had to make contact with the Muslim Arab slave traders. The Muslims where more than happy to supply all the black africans that the Europeans wanted in exchange for gold and weapons.

How did Europeans usually acquire African captives for slave trade?

European slavers did not capture the Africans they transported themselves, but bought them from native slave traders.

How did Europeans usually acquire African captives for the slave trade?

European slavers did not capture the Africans they transported themselves, but bought them from native slave traders.

How legitimate legitimate trade?

Legitimate trade was the trade which replace slave trade.It was another form exploiting africans. legitimate trade was legitimate due to the following factor; It was legally accepted,was accepted by both africans europeans It had replaced slave trade It was beneficial to both sides African chiefes participated willingly

How was legitimate trade legitimate?

Legitimate trade was the trade which replace slave trade.It was another form exploiting africans. legitimate trade was legitimate due to the following factor; It was legally accepted,was accepted by both africans europeans It had replaced slave trade It was beneficial to both sides African chiefes participated willingly

How africans contribute to Jamaica?

The Africans came to Jamaica by slave ships in the triangular trade which is from Europe- England to West Africa to the Caribbean- Jamaica. They were brought to the Caribbean by the Europeans.