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No because he didnt make it to Spice Island because he died if he didnt die and made it back in time with the spices. The spices were what he would of traded.

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Ferdinand Magellan traded goods with Native Americans.

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What trade route did Ferdinand Magellan establish?

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What did Ferdinand Magellan conquer?

Ferdinand Magellan conquered the important trade routes mostly on the right side of South America.

What trade exchange did Ferdinand Magellan do?

He traded spices.

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Ferdinand Magellan conquered the important trade routes mostly on the right side of South America.

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yes he conquered many of the important trade routes.

What was the purpose of the expedition that Ferdinand Magellan went on?

magellan's objective for his expedition is to find the spice islands..

What is the importance of Magellan's expedition?

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there! Ferdinand Magellan was Portuguese, but sailed for Spain (under Spanish King Charles the First) to find an alternate spice trade route to India (instead of using Portugal's route)

What did Magellan trade?

Magellan trade lots of stuff that is don't know what he trade

What did Ferdinand Magellan succeed in doing?

He succeeded in crossing the pacific from east to west. His voyage laid foundation for trade in the pacific between the New world and East.

What was Magellans reason for exploration?

Ferdinand Magellan's original reason for exploration was to reach the spice islands.

How did the voyages of Magellan impact on food culture?

Ferdinand Magellan, a Portuguese explorer who lived in the 15th century discovered many new lands. These lands included Asia. He opened up trade routs and exposed eastern spices to continental Europe.