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Q: What did floresiensis make for shelter?
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What did homo floresiensis use for shelter?

Homo floresiensis likely used natural materials such as leaves, branches, and possibly caves for shelter. They may have also constructed simple structures from materials available in their environment.

What is the scientific name for hobbit?

The scientific name for hobbit is Homo floresiensis.

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What the scientific name of Homo floresiensis mean in English?

The scientific name Homo floresiensis means "Man of Flores." "Homo" refers to the genus of the hominins (humans and their close relatives), and "floresiensis" signifies the Indonesian island of Flores where this species was discovered.

What probably evolved from Homo erectus a Homo neanderthalensis b Homo floresiensis c Homo sapiens d H neanderthalensis and H floresiensis e all of these?

Homo sapiens probably evolved from Homo erectus, while Homo neanderthalensis and Homo floresiensis evolved separately from different branches of the Homo lineage. Homo neanderthalensis and Homo floresiensis did not directly evolve into Homo sapiens.

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They don't make a shelter, but live in trees.

Could Homo floresiensis speak their own language?

It is currently unclear whether Homo floresiensis had a complex language like modern humans. However, studies suggest that they may have had some form of communication skills using a combination of gestures, vocalizations, and possibly a basic language system.

When was Homo floresiensis created?

Homo floresiensis is an extinct species of hominin that lived approximately 100,000 to 60,000 years ago on the Indonesian island of Flores. The exact period of their existence is still debated among scientists.

What did Homo Floresiensis eat?

Homo floresiensis, also known as "the hobbit," is believed to have consumed a diet that included a wide variety of food such as small game, seafood, plants, and possibly even the dwarf elephants found on the island of Flores. Analysis of their teeth and tools provides clues about their omnivorous diet.

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A octopus doesn't make a shelter it make itself at home in human waste and caves.